Street names in a proposed subdivision shall not duplicate or nearly duplicate those of any street names existing in the Village of Lordstown, irrespective of the use of the suffix “street,” “avenue,” “circle,” “boulevard,” or “drive,” and shall at a minimum meet the following requirements:
For the purpose of street naming the following suffixes shall apply:
(a) “Avenue” for streets that run in a generally north-south direction;
(b) “Drive” or “Trail” for curving or meandering type streets;
(c) “Circle” or “Court” for cul-de-sac type streets that run in a generally east-west direction;
(d) “Lane” or “Place” for cul-de-sac type streets that run in a generally north-south direction;
(e) “Road” or “Way” for streets that run in a diagonal manner, either a generally northwest-southeast or northeast-southwest direction;
(f) “Street” for streets that run in a generally east-west direction;
(g) The words “north,” “south,” “east” and “west” shall be prohibited as part of a street name.
(h) “Boulevard” or “Parkway” for a broad thoroughfare having a right of way greater than sixty-six (66) feet with a center dividing strip or side strips planted with grass, trees or flowers providing a parklike appearance.
Whenever a new street is constructed along the approximate alignment or extension of an existing street, its name shall be the same as that of the existing one.
Whenever a cul-de-sac street serves not more than three (3) lots, the name of the intersecting street shall apply to the cul-de-sac.
Street names in a proposed subdivision shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to such name being assigned or used.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)