Roadway points consisting of iron pins or pipes as set forth in Section 4733-37-03(c) of the OAC shall be set in the proposed subdivision at street intersections at points of change in alignment and at the end of streets. The top of the iron pin shall be set about ten (10) inches below the established grade of the street and covered with a cast iron “Monument Box” so marked with removable cover, flush with the pavement grade. The cast iron “Monument Box” shall be of the size and type as specified in the typical details of these Regulations and the Road Commissioner. All monuments and iron pins shall be identified on the final plat and shall be in place at the time the roads and other improvements are inspected for acceptance by the Planning Commission and Road Commissioner. For additional surveying and monumentation requirements, refer to Chapter 1108 of these Regulations.
(Ord. 56-2005. Passed 10-3-05.)