(a)   Sidewalks shall be required to be constructed on both sides of the street in all subdivisions. The following guidelines will be taken into account when deciding if sidewalks are necessary.
   (b)   Sidewalks shall be constructed in conformance with the "Typical Details" and specifications set forth in these Regulations and shall not be less than four (4) feet in width, shall not be less than four (4) inches in thickness, and where crossing driveways, shall not be less than six (6) inches in thickness.
   (c)   Sidewalks shall extend to the curb or street pavement at all intersections and a curb ramp shall be constructed in accordance with the current standards as specified in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Sidewalks shall be parallel to the street and placed one (1) foot inside the right of way, unless an exception has been permitted to preserve topographical or natural features or to provide visual interest, or unless the applicant shows that an alternative pedestrian system provides safe and convenient circulation.
   (d)   Pedestrian-way easements ten (10) feet wide including a four (4) foot sidewalk as may be required by the Planning Commission through the center of blocks to provide circulation or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping or other community facilities.
   ELEVATION: The elevation of sidewalks shall be not less than 3/8" but no greater than 1" per foot from the right-of-way (aka property line) to the established elevation of the top of the curb, at the discretion of the Village Street Commissioner and Village Engineer.
(Ord. 34-2008. Passed 4-21-08.)