(A)   After gaining recognition from the presiding officer a council member shall confine his/her comments to the issue under discussion, avoiding reference to character and indecorous language. Members of the Council should limit his/her remarks on any particular item of discussion to five minutes or less.
   (B)   A council member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless called to order by the presiding officer, or unless a point of order or personal privilege is raised by another council member, or unless the speaker chooses to yield to a question by another council member. If a council member while speaking is called to order, he/she shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined and, if determined to be in order, he/she may proceed.
   (C)   Members of the city staff, after recognition by the presiding officer, shall hold the floor until completion of his/her remarks or until recognition is withdrawn by the presiding officer.
(Ord. 1205, passed 11-6-96)