The purpose and salient criteria of the motions listed in § 30.75 is as follows:
   (A)   Motion to adjourn:
      (1)   Purpose. To terminate a meeting;
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. No, except a motion to adjourn to another time is debatable and amendable as to the time to which the meeting is to be adjourn.
   (B)   Motion to recess:
      (1)   Purpose. To permit an interlude in the meeting and to set a definite time for continuing the meeting.
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. Yes, but restricted as to time for continuing the meeting.
   (C)   Motion to table:
      (1)   Purpose. To set aside, on a temporary basis, a pending main motion: provided that, it may be taken up again for consideration during the current meeting or at the next regular meeting;
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. It is debatable but not amendable.
   (D)   Motion for previous question ("calling the question"):
      (1)   Purpose. To prevent or stop discussion on the pending question or questions and to bring such question or questions to vote immediately. If the motion passes, a vote shall be taken on the pending motion or motions:
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. No.
   (E)   Motion to limit or extend debate:
      (1)   Purpose. To limit or determine the time that will be devoted to discussion of a pending motion or to extend or remove limitations already imposed on its discussion.
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. Not debatable; amendments are restricted to period of time of the proposed limit or extension.
   (F)   Motion to refer to committee or staff:
      (1)   Purpose. To refer the question before the Council to a committee or to the city staff for the purpose of investigating or studying the proposal and to make a report back to the Council. If the motion fails, discussion or vote on the question resumes.
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. Yes.
   (G)   Amend:
      (1)   Purpose. To modify or change a motion that is being considered. An amendment may be in any of the following forms: to "add" or "insert" certain words or phrases: to "strike out certain words or phrases and to add other": to "substitute" certain words, phrases or actions on the same subject matter as the one pending; to "divide the question" into two or more questions so as to get a separate vote on particular points. A motion to amend shall relate to the subject of the main motion. A motion to amend by substitution shall not be used to change the nature of the main motion. If the motion to amend passes, then the main motion should be voted on as amended.
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. It is debatable unless applied to an undebatable main motion. It is amendable. A motion to amend an amendment is not further amendable.
   (H)   Motion to postpone (continue):
      (1)   Purpose. To prevent further discussion and voting on the main motion until a future date or event. If the motion fails, discussion and voting on the main motion resumes. If it passes, the subject of the main motion shall not be brought up again until the specified date or event.
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. It is debatable but not amendable.
   (I)   Main motion:
      (1)   Purpose. The primary proposal or question before the Council for discussion and decision:
      (2)   Debatable or amendable. Yes.
(Ord. 1205, passed 11-6-96)