(A)   The City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk shall tape record City Council meetings as an aid in the preparation of the minutes. The tapes shall be retained for a period of two calendar years at which time approval from the City Attorney must be obtained before the tapes are reused or erased.
   (B)   While the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk has possession of the tape recordings, the tape recordings shall be subject to inspection pursuant to the California Public Records Act. Members of the public may hear tape recordings of the City Council meetings during office hours when it will not inconvenience the ordinary operation of the Clerk's Office. Mechanical recordings may be made from the tapes under procedures established by the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk. The Clerk shall allow city tape recording or playing machines to be used by the public, free of charge, for listening or recording purposes when such machines are not necessary for use by the City Clerk in the ordinary function of the office. The City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk is authorized to adopt administrative rules, regulations or procedures for the implementation of this section, including without limitation procedures to safeguard the tape recordings against theft, mutilation or accidental damage, to prevent inspection or recording from interfering with orderly function of the office, and to ensure that integrity of the records is maintained. Except as otherwise prohibited by law, the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk may charge a fee sufficient to cover and which does not exceed the cost, including labor and materials, of, but not limited to, providing records and administering this provision.
   (C)   If any person desires to have a matter reported by a stenographer reporter, the person may employ one directly at his or her expense. The City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk may make reasonable accommodations in order to assure such reporter is seated in such a position at the meeting as to permit accurate recording of the proceedings.
   (D)   Any person may film, video tape, photograph or audio tape a City Council meeting in the absence of a reasonable finding by the City Council that the recording cannot continue without noise, illumination or obstruction of view that constitutes or would constitute a persistent disruption of the proceedings. City Council meetings may be broadcast or cablecast by a person utilizing equipment installed in the council chambers pursuant to a contract approved by the City Council, or by any other person provided that the broadcast or cablecast by such other person can be accomplished without noise, illumination, or obstruction of view that constitutes or would constitute a persistent disruption of the proceedings.
(Ord. 1205, passed 11-6-96)