Finance Department
   33.001   Created; Budget System––General Finance Policies
   33.002   Duties and responsibilities
Finance Officer
   33.015   Established; appointment
   33.016   Duties and functions
Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund
   33.030   Created
   33.031   Revenue
   33.032   Expenditures
Air Quality Trust Fund; Vehicle Registration Fee
   33.045   Findings
   33.046   Intent
   33.047   Definitions
   33.048   Administration of vehicle registration fee
   33.049   Establishment of Air Quality Improvement Trust Fund
   33.050   Transfer of funds
   33.051   Expenditures
   33.052   Audits
   33.053   Legal construction
Development Impact Fee
   33.065   Findings and intent
   33.066   Definitions
   33.067   Purpose of fees
   33.068   Types of impact fees
   33.069   Exemptions and credits
   33.070   Use of fees
   33.071   Establishment of fee by implementing resolution
   33.072   Fee adjustments
   33.073   Automatic annual fee adjustment
   33.074   Amount to be paid and timing of payment
   33.075   Limitations
   33.076   Accounting and expenditure of fees
   33.077   Disposition of unexpended or unappropriated fee revenues
   33.078   Protest of fees
   33.079   Appeal to City Council
Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee
   33.080   Purpose, use and findings
   33.081   Definitions
   33.082   Transportation uniform mitigation fee established
   33.083   Fund established
   33.084   Calculation and collection of the TUMF
   33.085   Use restrictions
   33.086   Exemptions and credits
   33.087   Appeal process
   33.088   Administrative fee
Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan Mitigation Fee
   33.090   Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan mitigation fee
Investment Committee
   33.100   Investment Committee
   33.115   Purpose
   33.116   Purchasing policies and guidelines
   33.117   Reserved
   33.118   Purchasing procedures
   33.119   Payment procedures
   33.120   Definitions and special requirements
   33.121   Reserved
   33.122   Balance in excess of obligations required prior to delivery of purchase
   33.123   Declaration and sale of surplus or obsolete equipment
   33.124   Informal bidding for public works contracts
Industrial Development Authority
   33.200   Industrial Development Authority