(A)   The failure to strictly observe the procedural provisions of this subchapter shall not affect the jurisdiction of the Council or invalidate any action taken at a meeting that is otherwise held in conformity with law so long as the requisite number of council members have agreed to the particular action. To the extent that this subchapter establishes requirements that are more retroactive than the Ralph M. Brown Act, or other provisions of state statute applicable to meetings of the City Council, the provisions of this subchapter shall prevail.
   (B)   A failure on the part of any person to register a timely objection of an alleged violation of the procedures of this subchapter shall constitute a waiver of all such objections. An objection shall be deemed be timely only if it is made during the meeting, proceeding or public hearing to which the alleged violation relates. Nothing in this section shall preclude the City Council from taking any action deemed appropriate by the Council to cure a violation or alleged violation of the procedures of this subchapter that is brought to its attention.
   (C)   The procedural provisions of this subchapter establishing duties of city officers or employees are directory in nature and shall not be deemed to create a mandatory duty the breach of which could result in liability to the city or to the officer or employee pursuant to state or other law.
(Ord. 1205, passed 11-6-96)