91.01 Harboring or keeping a dog
91.02 Dogs at large
91.03 Barking
91.04 Chasing or biting
91.05 Prima facie violations
91.06 Collection fee
91.07 Enforcement
91.08 Violation; notice
91.10 Kennel license requirements
91.11 Sanitary requirements
91.20 Unlawful possession of cats
91.21 Cats at large
91.22 License required
91.99 Penalty
Nuisance animals, see § 95.07
Pets in city parks, see § 92.05
(A) Any person, persons, firm or corporation having a right of property in a dog, and every person, persons, firm or corporation who keeps or harbors a dog or has it in his care, and every person, persons, firm or corporation who permits a dog on or about any premises occupied by him shall be considered as harboring or keeping the same within the meaning of this chapter.
(B) No person shall keep or harbor more than three dogs of the age of six months or over at said premises except where a person has obtained a kennel license in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 8.12, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 8.12C, passed 12-4-84; Am. Ord. passed 10-18-94)