Motorcycles/All-Terrain Vehicles
72.001 Definitions
72.002 Area of operation
72.003 Operation
72.004 Rate of speed
72.005 Equipment required
72.006 Crossing of street or highway
72.007 Age requirements
72.008 Operation during emergency
72.009 Highway Traffic Regulations Act
72.010 Operation by minor
72.025 Definitions
72.026 Area of operation
72.027 Regulations
72.028 Equipment required
72.029 Highway operation requirements
72.030 Age requirements
72.031 Operation during emergency
72.032 Highway Traffic Regulations Act
72.033 Parking on snowmobile trail prohibited
72.034 Operation by minor
Motor Bicycles
72.045 Definitions
72.046 Muffler
72.047 Regulations
Registration of Bicycles, Motor Bicycles and Motor Scooters
72.060 Licensing and registration required
72.061 Registration information
72.062 License plate and registration card
72.063 Destruction of license number
72.064 License fees
72.065 Unlicensed vehicles; impounding
72.066 License expiration date
72.067 Conditions of license
72.068 Application to unlicensed vehicles
72.069 Definition
Bicycle and Hiking Trail
72.080 Bicycle and hiking trail
Golf Carts
72.095 Golf carts
72.999 Penalty
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ATV (ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE). A motorized flotation-tire vehicle of not less than three low- pressure tires, but not more than six tires, that is limited in engine displacement of less than 800 cubic centimeters, and total dry weight less than 600 pounds.
BOULEVARD. The area of the public roadway lying between the sidewalk and that portion of the right-of-way of any roadway used for motor vehicle traffic.
MOTORCYCLE. Every motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels on contact with the ground, including motor scooters, bicycles with motor attached and minibikes, but expressly excluding a tractor, or any vehicle of a type propelled solely by human power.
MOTORCYCLE/ATV TRAILS. The property designated and posted for use by motorcycle/ATVs which approximately surrounds the platted portion of the city. Specific boundaries and a map of the trails are available for inspection at the City Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
OPERATE. To ride in or on and control the operation of a motorcycle and/or ATV.
OPERATOR. Every person who operates or is in actual physical control of a motorcycle and/or ATV.
OWNER. A person, other than a person with a security interest, having a property interest in or title to a motorcycle and/or ATV, and entitled to the use and possession of the vehicle.
PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. The entire right-of-way of a public road, including the traveled portions, banks, ditches, shoulders and medians of a roadway, that is not privately owned.
REGISTER. The act of assigning a registration number to an ATV and/or license to a motorcycle.
(Ord. 135, passed 5-14-1996)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motorcycle and/or ATV within the boundaries of the city, except as herein permitted:
(A) On a roadway, if the operator has a valid standard driver’s license, or a driver’s license with a two-wheeled vehicle endorsement as provided by law, or a valid two-wheeled vehicle instruction permit, or a special motorcycle permit as issued by the Commissioner of Public Safety;
(B) On private property of another with the express permission to do so by the owner or occupant of the property;
(C) On the posted motorcycle/ATV trail; and
(D) Those areas outside of the motorcycle/ATV trail, that is, the area on the side of the trail furthest away from the inhabited portion of the city.
(Ord. 135, passed 5-14-1996) Penalty, see § 72.999