Every license issued hereunder shall be deemed to be granted subject to the following conditions.
(A) No person shall ride or propel any vehicle licensed hereunder upon any sidewalk in a manner as to interfere with any pedestrian thereon.
(B) No person shall ride or propel the vehicle upon a public street, highway or sidewalk except in a prudent and careful manner and unless the person shall be capable of efficient control and operation of the vehicle; nor shall any person propelling or operating the vehicle upon a public street, highway or sidewalk carry or permit to be carried any other person upon the saddle.
(C) No vehicle licensed hereunder shall be ridden faster than is reasonable and proper, but shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the operator and other persons upon the streets and other public highways.
(D) Persons riding the vehicle shall observe all traffic signs and stop at all stop signs.
(E) No vehicle licensed hereunder shall be permitted on any street or other public highway between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise without a headlight visible from the front for not less than 500 feet; indicating the approach or presence of the vehicle, firmly attached to the vehicle and properly lighted, nor without a red tail light or in lieu thereof, a reflector attached to and visible from the rear of the vehicle for a distance of not less than 200 feet.
(F) No person under the age of 15 years shall ride or propel the vehicle upon any street, highway or sidewalk at night after the hour of 9:00 p.m.
(G) No person shall ride or propel a vehicle licensed hereunder upon any public street, highway or sidewalk abreast of other person or riding or propelling a vehicle.
(H) Every person riding or propelling a vehicle licensed hereunder upon any street, highway or sidewalk shall observe all traffic rules and regulations applicable thereto and shall turn only at intersections, signal for all turns, ride at the right-hand side of the street or highway, pass to the left when passing and overtaking vehicles that are slower moving, and pass to the right when meeting.
(Ord. 16, passed 10-10-1956)