General Provisions
   155.001   Title
   155.002   Authority
   155.003   Purpose
   155.004   Definitions
   155.005   Jurisdiction
   155.006   Classification and compliance
   155.007   Plat Committee
   155.008   Technical Committee
   155.009   Waiver of requirements
Minor Subdivisions
   155.020   Submission of plat
   155.021   Review procedure of Technical Committee
   155.022   (Reserved)
   155.023   Plat Committee procedure
Major Subdivisions; Primary Plat
   155.035   Sketch plan
   155.036   Submission of primary plat
   155.037   Primary plat review procedure
Major Subdivisions; Secondary Plat
   155.050   General provisions
   155.051   Phasing
   155.052   Secondary plat
   155.053   Financial guarantees
   155.054   Bond funds
   155.055   Completion affidavit
   155.056   Review procedure of Technical Committee
Design Principles and Standards
   155.070   General provisions
   155.071   Geometric street standards
   155.072   General street standards and requirements
   155.073   Block standards
   155.074   Lot standards
   155.075   Easements
   155.076   Commercial and industrial subdivisions
   155.077   (Reserved)
   155.078   Ponds and lakes
Improvements and Installations
   155.090   General provisions
   155.091   Streets
   155.092   Drainage and sanitary sewage disposal
   155.093   Water system
   155.094   Monuments and markers
   155.095   Utilities adjacent to right-of-way
   155.096   Erosion control
   155.097   Hydrants
   155.098   Culverts; private drives
   155.099   Construction practices
Modifications and Exceptions
   155.110   Intent
   155.120   Amendment
   155.121   Enforcement
   155.122   Recording of plats
   155.123   Effect
   155.124   Appeal
   155.125   Violations
   Appendix A:    Survey Certification
   Appendix B:    Deed of Dedication
   Appendix BB:   Right to Farm Deed Restriction
   Appendix C:    Certificate of Ownership; Additional Certification if Property Under Trusteeship
   Appendix D:    Acceptance of Dedications
   Appendix E:    Plan Commission Approval
   Appendix F:    Performance Bond Agreement Form
   Appendix G:    Performance Bond Form
   Appendix H:    Performance Bond Completion Affidavit
   Appendix I:    Release of Performance Bond
   Appendix J:    Plan Committee Approval Certificate
   Appendix K:    Plan Commission Technical Committee Approval Certificate
   Appendix L:    Centerline offsets
   Appendix M:    Intersection detail
   Appendix N:    Centerline deflection
   Appendix O:    Reverse curve tangent
   Appendix P:    Pipe underdrain—typical installation
   Appendix Q:    Subdivision entrance—deceleration, acceleration and passing blister lanes
   Appendix R:    Typical concrete curb and gutter
   Appendix S:   Waiver of Lien and Affidavit of Payment Form
   Appendix T:   Maintenance Bond Agreement Form
   Appendix U:   Maintenance Bond Form
   Appendix V:   Release of Maintenance Bond
   Appendix W:   Secondary Plat Sign-Off List