WHEREAS, the Principal and Surety Company have posted a Maintenance Bond(s) for the maintenance of improvements and installations (the "Improvements") required by the Hancock County Plan Commission, the Hancock County Code and all other applicable ordinances and regulations of Hancock County for Section
                                               of                                                and
               (Name of Subdivision)
WHEREAS, the Bond(s) is/are applicable to the following improvements (Check all items to be covered by this Release):
       Asphalt – Intermediate Course            Asphalt – Surface Course
      Curbs                        Erosion Control
      Final Grading & Lawn Preparation            Lot Drainage
      Monumentation                  Multi-Use Paths
      Sanitary Sewer                  Sidewalks
      Storm Drainage                  Street Base (stone, asphalt, etc.)
      Street Lights                     Street Signs
      Water System                                                      
WHEREAS, the Improvements have been maintained at the Principal's own expense for a period of not less than 36 months after the date on which said Improvements were accepted for public maintenance by the County of Hancock.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Maintenance Bond(s) issued for the above-indicated improvements is/are hereby released.
ATTEST:                        HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD
                                                       OF COMMISSIONERS
Auditor, Hancock County
(Ord. 2003-10F, passed 10-12-03)