Basic Provisions
156.001 Title
156.002 Authority and purpose
156.003 Interpretation and application
156.004 Official zoning map
156.005 Adoption and amendments
156.006 Area Plan Commission
156.007 Board of Zoning Appeals
156.010 General administration
156.011 Legislative bodies duties and powers
156.012 Plan Commission duties and powers
156.013 Board of Zoning Appeals
Zoning Districts
156.020 Establishment of zoning districts
156.021 Land uses
156.022 Standards
156.023 Agriculture (A)
156.024 Residential: Rural (RR)
156.025 Residential: 1.0 (R1.0)
156.026 Residential: 2.5 (R2.5)
156.027 Residential: 3.5 (R3.5)
156.028 Residential: 5.0 (R5.0)
156.029 Residential: Manufactured Home Park (RMH)
156.030 Residential: Multifamily (RM)
156.031 Commercial: Neighborhood (CN)
156.032 Commercial: Community (CC)
156.033 Commercial: Regional (CR)
156.034 Institutional (IN)
156.035 Industrial: Business Park (IBP).
156.036 Industrial: Light (IL)
156.037 Industrial: General (IG)
Overlay Zoning Districts
156.040 Establishment and general standards
156.041 Wellhead Protection (WP-OL)
156.042 Corridor (C-OL)
156.043 Airport (AP-OL)
156.044 Village (V-OL)
156.045 Shirley Overlay District
156.046 Broadway Consolidated TIF District Design Standards
Planned Unit Development
156.050 PUD, intent, uses, and standards
156.051 General application requirements
156.052 Preliminary plan and rezoning
156.053 Final detailed plan
156.054 Written commitments
156.055 Covenants
156.056 Modifications
156.057 Expiration, abandonment and extensions
Development Standards
156.060 Introduction and application
156.061 Height standards
156.062 Accessory use and structure standards
156.063 Temporary use and structure standards
156.064 Industrial operation standards
156.065 Reserved
156.066 Home occupation standards
156.067 Manufactured home park standards
156.068 Environmental standards
156.069 Parking standards
156.070 Loading standards
156.071 Entrance/drive standards
156.072 Sight visibility standards
156.073 Telecommunication facility standards
156.074 Fence and wall standards
156.075 Landscaping standards
156.076 Reserved
156.077 Exterior lighting standards
156.078 Non-residential design standards
156.079 Adult use standards
156.080 Wind energy conversion systems
156.081 Agribusiness standards
Sign Standards
156.085 General sign standards
156.086 Residential sign standards
156.087 Non-residential sign standards
156.090 Nonconforming status
156.091 Nonconforming structures
156.092 Nonconforming site features
156.093 Nonconforming uses
156.094 Nonconforming signs
Procedures and Permits
156.100 Petition and permit application types
156.101 Notice of public hearing
156.102 Variance applications
156.103 Special exception applications
156.104 Administrative appeal applications
156.105 Zoning map amendment applications (rezones)
156.106 Improvement location permits
156.107 Development plan review
156.108 Written commitments
156.109 Sign permits
156.110 Certificates of occupancy
Enforcement and Penalties
156.115 General provisions
156.116 Construction process violations
156.117 Immediate public risk violations
156.118 Violation procedures
156.120 Defined words
156.121 Definitions
Appendix A: Zoning Maps
(A) Title. This chapter shall be formally known as the "Hancock County, Indiana Zoning Ordinance," and it may be cited and referred to as the "Zoning Ordinance" or "Ordinance".
(B) Defined words. Words used in a special sense in this chapter are defined in § 156.121. All other words shall have the meaning inferred from their context in this chapter or their ordinarily accepted definitions.
(C) Meanings. The following rules of construction shall apply to the text of this chapter:
(1) The particular and specific provisions of this chapter shall supersede any general requirements that are established by it.
(2) The words SHALL and WILL are always mandatory and not discretionary. The word MAY is permissive.
(3) Words used in the present tense include the future; and words used in the singular number include the plural; and the plural includes the singular; words of the masculine gender will include the feminine and the neuter gender will refer to any gender as required, unless the context plainly indicates the contrary.
(4) The phrase USED FOR includes arranged for, designed for, intended for, maintained for, or occupied for.
(5) The word PERSON includes an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar entity.
(6) Unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, a regulation which involves two or more items, conditions, provisions, or events connected by the conjunction AND, OR, or EITHER . . . OR, the use of the conjunction is defined as follows:
(a) AND means that all the connected items, conditions, provisions, and events apply together and not separately.
(b) OR means that the connected items, conditions, provisions, or events apply separately or in any combination.
(c) EITHER . . . OR means that the connected items, conditions, provisions, or
events shall apply separately but not in combination.
(7) The word INCLUDES does not limit a term to the specified examples, but is intended to extend the term's meaning to all other instances or circumstances of like kind or character.
(8) The word TOWN means any of the towns which are members of the Area Plan Commission, the word COUNTY means Hancock County, Indiana, and the word STATE means the State of Indiana.
(Ord. 2007-1B, passed 2-5-07)
Cross reference:
Definitions, see § 156.121