We, the undersigned _____________________________ owners of the real estate shown and described herein, do hereby lay off, plat, and subdivide said real estate in accordance with the within plat.
This subdivision shall be known and designated as ________________________ . All streets and alleys and public open spaces shown and not therefore dedicated are hereby dedicated to the public.
Front building setback lines are hereby established as shown on this plat, between which lines and property lines of the streets there shall be erected or maintained no building or structure. The strips of ground shown on this plat and marked “Easement” are reserved for the use of public utilities for the installation of water and sewer mains, poles, ducts, lines and wires, drainage facilities subject at all times to the proper authorities and to the easement herein reserved. No permanent or other structures are to be erected or maintained upon said strips of land, but owners of lots in this subdivision shall take their titles subject to the rights of the public utilities, and to the rights of the owners of other lots in this subdivision.
(Ord. 1993-9G, passed 9-27-93)