WHEREAS, the Principal and Surety Company have posted a Performance Bond(s) for the improvements and installations (the "Improvements") required by the Hancock County Plan Commission, the Hancock County Code and all other applicable ordinances and regulations of Hancock County for Section                                of                                      ; and
(Name of Subdivision)
WHEREAS, the County of Hancock has issued a Performance Bond Completion Affidavit indicating that all Improvements have been constructed and installed in compliance with all requirements, standards, and specifications of the Plan Commission, the Hancock County Code, and all other applicable ordinances and regulations of Hancock County.
   Check all items covered by this Release:
      Asphalt Surfacing                     Landscaping
      Survey Monuments & Markers               Multi-Use Paths
      Permanent Seeding                     Pipe Grouting
      Sidewalks                        Streetlights
NOW, THEREFORE, the Performance Bond(s) issued for the above-indicated improvements is/are hereby released.
ATTEST:                        HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD
                              OF COMMISSIONERS
Auditor, Hancock County
(Ord. 1993-9G, passed 9-27-93; Am. Ord. 2003-10F, passed 10-12-03)