General Provisions
32.01 Reimbursement of travel expenses and related allowances
32.02 Social Security contributions
32.03 Nondiscrimination policy
Employee’s Work Policy
32.15 Hours of work
32.16 Holidays
32.17 Funerals
32.18 Jury duty
32.19 Vacations
32.20 Bonus time
32.21 Illness or injury
32.22 Disability pay
Alcohol and Controlled Substances
32.35 Prohibited conduct
32.36 Rules of conduct
32.37 Violation
32.38 Testing requirements
32.39 Testing procedures
32.40 Employees testing positive
32.41 Employee acknowledgment
Drug and Alcohol Policy for City Drivers
32.55 Purpose
32.56 Types of tests
32.57 Refusal to test
32.58 Consequences of policy violation
32.59 Pre-employment testing
32.60 Random testing
32.61 Post-accident testing
32.62 Reasonable suspicion testing
32.63 Prohibited conduct
32.64 Substance abuse evaluation
32.65 Authorization for previous test records
32.66 Drug urinalysis
32.67 Alcohol tests
32.68 Training
32.69 Forms
(A) The mileage reimbursement is set at the standard IRS reimbursement rate per mile. Upon completion of an official business trip, when a city official or employee returns to the city, he or she must complete and file a General Form 101 with the Clerk Treasurer, who will, after the next City Council meeting, reimburse the employee for such expenses.
(B) Other related and reasonable expenses, not to exceed $200 per day, related to an official business trip, such as room, meals, and the like, must be supported fully by receipts in order to be reimbursed, unless otherwise set out by law. Original receipts must be submitted to the Clerk Treasurer, who will, after the next City Council meeting, reimburse the employee for such expenses.
(Ord. 2-2004, passed 2-17-2004)
(A) The Council hereby elects coverage under the Old Age and Survivor’s Insurance Program provided under I.C. 5-10.1-2.
(B) All city employees shall be covered except those covered by a retirement plan existing on February 1, 1952.
(C) For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Social Security Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 301 et seq., as amended, the agreement entered into between the stage agency and the Social Security Administrator, with the approval of the Governor, is incorporated by reference into this section and shall be deemed an agreement between the city and the state agency, and shall become a part of the agreement or any modification of the agreement between the state and the Social Security Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 5-10.1-2-1) (Res. 2, passed 2-1-1952)
Statutory reference:
Social Security coverage for municipal employees, see I.C. 5-10.1-2-1