§ 32.20 BONUS TIME.
   Each employee will receive 40 hours per year that may be used as sick, personal, or vacation days. To be used as personal or vacation time, employee must have previous approval of immediate supervisor. New employee’s bonus time will be determined by hire date. Any bonus time not used by the end of the calendar year may be compensated for by one of the following methods.
   (A)   Employees may opt to receive pay at his or her current normal rate of pay for all or any part of his or her bonus time not used. Bonus hours will be paid in December. In the event that employee selects payment for only part of accumulated time, the remaining time will be carried over into the next year and can only be cashed in on termination of employment or the following December.
   (B)   Bonus time may be accumulated indefinitely. Maximum of 80 hours may be accumulated and used as standard bonus time. All hours in excess of 80 hours that are carried over must be used for long-term disability or illness, or will be paid at retirement or termination of employment.
   (C)   Upon termination, bonus hours that have been carried over from the previous year(s) will be paid. Current year bonus time will be pro-rated to termination date and paid.
(Ord. 6-2002, passed 8-6-2002)