General Funds
   35.01   Cumulative capital improvement fund
   35.02   Motor vehicle highway fund
   35.03   Accident and thief report account 160
   35.04   Firearms permit account 170
   35.05   Special vehicle fund 175
   35.06   Record perpetuation fund
   35.07   Entertainment and promotion fund
   35.08   Tree Harbour Enterprises, Inc. maintenance fund
   35.09   Establishment, clarification and deletion of certain funds
   35.10   Local major moves construction fund
   35.11   Rainy day fund
   35.12   Downtown revitalization project
   35.13   Local option income tax fund
   35.14   Community Crossings Grant Fund 447
   35.15   Dental Reimbursement and Payment Fund 7704
   35.16   Wastewater Sinking Fund 612
   35.17   ARP Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund
   35.18   CARES Act Fund 150
   35.19   Opioid Settlement Funds
   35.19A   Canine Donation Fund 2302
General Tax and Finance
   35.20   Tax abatement or tax reassessment procedures
   35.21   Tax deduction fees within town
   35.21   Purchasing rules for the town
   35.23   Liens on real property
   35.24   Personal or business checks
   35.25   Credit card purchasing policy
   35.26   Materiality and process for reporting material items
Town Membership and Interlocal Cooperation
   35.35   Payment of dues for town membership
   35.36   Interlocal cooperation
Schedule of Charges for Reports and Services of the Police Department
   35.50   Fees for standards accident reports
   35.51   Vehicle inspections
   35.52   Handgun permit application fees
   35.53   Transferring handguns
   35.54   Copying documents for the Town Court
Internal Control Standards
   35.70   Definitions
   35.71   Mission
   35.72   Objectives
   35.73   Standards
   35.74   Principles
   35.75   Development and adoption of internal control procedures and policies based on standards
   35.76   Failure to abide by internal controls
   35.77   Implementation of internal controls