95.01 Definition
95.02 Compliance
95.03 Permit required
95.04 Application for permit
95.05 Conditions for issuance of permit
95.06 Denial of permit; appeal
95.07 Alternating permit
95.08 Information required within permit
95.09 Public conduct during parades
Public Gatherings
95.20 Definition
95.21 Permit required
95.22 Application for permit
95.23 Proof of insurance required
95.24 Bond required
95.25 Structure to be free from fire hazards
95.26 Unobstructed exits required on premises
95.27 Construction of seats; number limitation
95.28 Sanitary facilities required; ambulance
95.29 Staff for event
95.30 Permitted hours
95.31 Certain sounds restricted
95.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
PARADE. Any parade, march, ceremony, show, exhibition, pageant, or procession of any kind, or any similar display, in or upon any street, park, or other public place in the village.
(Ord. 661, passed 6-1-70)