The presiding officer shall be the President of Council as provided in Article II, Section 2, of the Charter.
(Ord. 255-1978. Passed 11-6-78.)
(a) The Clerk of Council, elected by and serving at the pleasure of Council, shall keep all records of Council and perform any other duties required by Council or the Charter.
(b) The Clerk of Council is hereby authorized and empowered to deputize and appoint assistants for the purpose of serving all legal notices in connection with special assessment proceedings.
(c) The Clerk of Council is instructed to include, with the minutes of the Council meeting next following the official certification of votes in any election concerning the residents of the City, the results of that certification.
(Ord. 255-1978. Passed 11-6-78.)
(d) As soon as a bylaw, resolution or ordinance is passed and signed, it shall be recorded by the Clerk of Council in an official record for the purpose and known as the ordinance and resolution record. The official record shall be preserved in a manner to facilitate easy access and permanency of records. The record may be, but is not limited to, book form, computer disk, microfilm or microfiche. The official record shall be updated as bylaws, ordinances and resolutions are passed and signed. The Clerk shall note any subsequent amendments to an ordinance or resolution, or repeal thereof, on the face of the ordinance or resolution, which notation shall refer to the ordinance or resolution number making such amendment or repeal. The Clerk shall also note the affidavit of any newspaper publication and state in which newspaper and on what dates the publication was made, and sign his or her name thereto officially. Such certificate shall be prima-facie evidence that legal publication of such ordinance or resolution has been made. If posted, the Clerk shall certify the posting of such notice, ordinance or resolution and the certificate thereof shall be prima-facie evidence that legal publication of such ordinance or resolution has been made.
(Ord. 161-1999. Passed 6-21-99; Eff. 7-21-99.)
(e) Minutes of regular or special Council meetings shall be transcribed in a summary format. Minutes or summary documentation of the regular or special meetings of Council committees shall consist of a summary of the discussion of the committee meeting agenda items, and formal actions taken by the body unless requested to be verbatim by a majority thereof. Committee meeting minutes may be prepared by Chairperson of the Council committee or his or her designee and shall be filed with the Clerk of Council after approval. Verbal comments by any single person during the Committee of the Whole may be paraphrased, or described or identified, but need not be recorded in literal detail in the meeting minutes documentation.
(Ord. 154-1991. Passed 5-6-91; Ord. 40-2018. Passed 3-5-18; Ord. 17-2020. Passed 2-18-20; Ord. 51-2023. Passed 5-15-23.)
There may be a Sergeant at Arms of Council to be elected and to serve at the pleasure of Council under the direction of the presiding officer. He or she shall preserve the order of the meeting and compel attendance of absent members.
(Ord. 255-1978. Passed 11-6-78; Ord. 126-2010. Passed 9-20-10.)
(a) Special and/or ad hoc committees may be created by the President of Council or by a majority of the members elected to Council.
(b) Members on all committees shall be appointed by a majority vote of all members elected to Council, with such appointments being made to standing committees no later than the first regular meeting of any new term. If Council fails to make such appointments to the standing committee within the time allotted herein, then the appointment shall be made by the President of Council.
(c) All committee meetings shall be held on Monday or Wednesday with only two meetings to be called on any one night. Committee meetings may be called on any other night only without objection from all members of the committee.
(d) Committee meetings may be called by the chairman, the Mayor, or a majority of the members.
(e) Any legislation in committee for more than ninety days may be placed on the agenda of the next Council meeting by a majority vote of Council.
(f) Legislation not acted upon expires with the term of Council.
(Ord. 255-1978. Passed 11-6-78; Ord. 319-1979. Passed 12-3-79; Ord. 126-2010. Passed 9-20-10.)