The order of business at meetings of Council shall be as follows:
(a) Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
(b) Roll call of members by the Clerk.
(c) Disposal of the journal of the preceding minutes.
(d) Reports and communications from Mayor and administration.
(e) Communications, petitions, memorials and certifications.
(f) Reports and summary documentation of all committees.
(g) Committee of the Whole for legislative matters only.
(h) Legislation.
(i) Committee of the Whole.
(j) Council members’ Comments.
(k) Miscellaneous business.
(l) Adjournment.
The President of Council shall at any time by majority of vote of all members elected thereto permit a member to introduce any business out of the regular order.
(Ord. 164-1990. Passed 5-21-90; Ord. 247-1995. Passed 12-4-95; Ord. 126-2010. Passed 9-20-10; Ord. 17-2020. Passed 2-18-20.)