Accounts for utility services shall be paid in the order in which they are contracted. The City may refuse to accept payment of an account except when each account is paid in the order incurred, to wit; payment of a current account shall not be accepted until all prior accounts for the same premises have been paid.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
No water shall be supplied to any applicant who is delinquent in the payment of utility bills, or who is indebted to the City for materials, supplies, or work done, or in any other manner, until the indebtedness has been paid, whether that indebtedness was incurred at the premises for which service is supplied or at any other place within or without the City.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
(a) The Utility Department will review all accounts for financial credit and/or refunds on a case-by-case basis. Any account holder seeking such credit shall first do so in writing, specifying the circumstances for the credit request. Supporting documentation for such credits are required for the review process.
(b) The Supervisory staff of the Utility Department shall have authorization up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) on any account that has demonstrated the reason for the credit and has completed any required paperwork. Any credits requested in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) will have their case/documentation presented to the Utility Resolution Board. This process may take up to ninety days to be completed. All credits, when issued, will first be processed as a credit on the utility account - in the cases of closed or inactive accounts refunds may be issued to the account holder.
(c) All credits will be limited to one (per account) every two calendar years.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
In the event of a documented loss of water due to a leak or other unforeseen circumstance on the customer side of the meter, resulting in more than the average consumption for the account, the customer may apply for a credit. Credit may be given under the following conditions:
(a) Proof of the repairs have been presented within ten business days;
(b) The account holder has reported the leak to the Utilities Office on the appropriate form;
(c) The account holder to present proof of such loss to the satisfaction of the City;
(d) A credit has not been requested within the past two years.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
Determine the average monthly consumption over the twelve month period, immediately preceding the leak (or period of time as an account holder, if less than twelve months). Subtract the average monthly consumption from the consumption in dispute. Credit the customer fifty percent of the difference between the average consumption and the consumption in dispute, (water and sewer).
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
When utility account holders are unable to pay their bills in a timely fashion, they may be referred to community organizations and agencies for assistance, as applicable. The City will retain a list of charitable and community organizations to which account holders may be referred for assistance with utility bills, but makes no guarantee of said assistance.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)