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Elyria Overview
Elyria, OH Code of Ordinances
   Gate valves must be provided on both the inlet and outlet sides of the three inches and larger meters and as close thereto as possible in accordance with the City standards. Owner is responsible for valve maintenance and operations.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
   (a)   Meters may be tested by the City or at the request of the account holder, but not more than once per calendar year. If requested by the account holder, such request shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by the payment for the established charge or estimated cost for the size of meter tested. If upon testing, the meter is found to be accurate in accordance with the City specifications, the testing charge shall be retained by the City. If the meter is found to be inaccurate, the testing charge shall be credited to the account holder.
   (b)   The City reserves the right, with appropriate notification to the account holder, to require three inches and larger meters to be tested. The cost of such tests will be assumed by the City, except that any parts necessary for the repair of meters will be billed to the customer. In addition, it may be necessary to remove the meter for testing, thereby temporarily interrupting service. Account holders will be given thirty days written notice by the City of such tests, in order to prepare, during which time the account holder can install a test plug and/or bypass. Every effort will be made to schedule tests at a time convenient for the account holder. Where a test has been scheduled and it is found that the inlet or outlet valve on the account holder's meter setting will not permit a tight shutoff, thereby delaying such test(s), the account holder will be required to have the valve(s) repaired at the account holder's expense. During this period of delay and until the repairs permit a rescheduling and testing of the meter, the account holder will be billed for water consumption at an estimated rate to be determined by the City, based upon the average of the previous six months' consumption.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
   All builders and/or owners of new construction or remodeling must also provide one-half inch conduit or approved meter wiring from the meter to the outside of the building so that the Division of Water can set a remote-read meter. The Division of Water will specify the location of the remote-read meter.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
   (a)   The City reserves the right to provide temporary bulk water sales to supplement water use when a permanent water connection cannot be made or water service is not available. To make arrangements for bulk water sales, call (440) 322-2927.
   (b)   Potable water haulers must present an annual Lorain County Health Department Inspection Certification to the City each year. This certificate is to be presented upon receipt from the Health Department. Water for construction or other special use will also be provided at these facilities. It is the responsibility of these water haulers to adapt connections to City piping. Cost of this service will be at the current rate charged by the City, as stipulated in the fee ordinance.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
   (a)   At the discretion of the Safety Service Director or her/his designee, a special permit may be issued for the use of a fire hydrant for securing a supply of water for construction purposes, in cases where a permanent supply or connection is not then feasible or will not be required. The right is hereby reserved to revoke a permit for the use of a fire hydrant. Charges for such permit shall be as determined by the rates established in the fee ordinance.
   (b)   A fire hydrant used for construction purposes, pursuant to permission first obtained, must have a reducing coupling and union attached to the nozzle of the hydrant, with an independent valve for regulation of the supply and a City-approved backflow prevention device. The main valve of the fire hydrant must be opened full at the beginning of work each day and remain open until stoppage of work for the day, the water supply to be regulated by the independent valve. The fire hydrant is to be operated only by a spanner which may be obtained from the City at the expense of the user.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
   The City will provide for the availability of certain hydrants designated by the City, to be used with approved meter and backflow preventer, for temporary short-term water use when a permanent water connection cannot be made or water service is not available at the time of use. The City reserves the right to refuse any temporary use of water if in the opinion of the City it is detrimental or harmful to the safety of the Public Water Supply. Approved meters and backflow prevention devices may be supplied by the City upon approval of use and all applicable fees and deposits are paid. Cost of this service will be at the current water rate charged by the City. Temporary water service rental meters are not to be used for long-term service, and are renewable only for each thirty day period or increment, if approved by the City.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)