For the purpose of meeting the expenses of operating and maintaining the water treatment plant, water distribution system, wastewater collection system, WWPC and solid waste collection (hereinafter utility services(s)), the City is hereby authorized to charge and collect for utility services in accordance with the current and future City fee ordinance set by City Council. The current rate structure is established by ordinance(s) by the City Council. The Utilities Department is hereby authorized and directed to cause the rates and charges so established to be billed to all premises subject thereto and to keep and maintain records relating thereto.
(Ord. 2018-181. Passed 11-19-18.)
(a) The schedule of rates, user fees (also known as service charges), and/or any implemented fees shall be set forth in the rate structure as established by the ordinances of City Council.
(b) The bill shall be issued in the name of the account holder. Failure to receive the bill shall not relieve any account holder of their obligation to pay the bill.
(c) There shall be no proration of any implemented user fee (also known as service charge) nor shall the sanitation bill be rendered for less than one billing period. All bills shall reflect actual usage (water and sewage) and fixed monthly charges (user fee and sanitation), as applicable.
(d) The user fee (also known as service charge) shall be billed irrespective of actual utility usage by the account holder.
(Ord. 2019-194. Passed 12-2-19.)
All utility charges shall be due twenty calendar days from the billing date, regardless of United States Postal delivery delays. Any bill not paid within thirty calendar days from the billing date will be considered delinquent and will be charged a late fee at the rate then in effect. Notice of late fees will be posted on the delinquency and turn-off notice(s) issued following the late bill. All delinquent utility bills, in addition to all unpaid late fees accrued by the account, and an administrative fee, shall be certified to the County Auditor, and will constitute a lien on the property receiving utility service. Prior to certifying delinquent bills, the City will post a public notice indicating its intent to certify the delinquency.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
The Public Utilities office will deliver bills to account holders via the United States Postal Service, or if requested by the account holder via electronic means, only as a matter of convenience to the account holder, and the failure to receive bills shall not be construed to relieve any account holder from his or her obligation as to the payment of such bills.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)