Determine the average monthly consumption over the twelve month period, immediately preceding the leak (or period of time as an account holder, if less than twelve months). Subtract the average monthly consumption from the consumption in dispute. Credit the customer fifty percent of the difference between the average consumption and the consumption in dispute, (water and sewer).
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
When utility account holders are unable to pay their bills in a timely fashion, they may be referred to community organizations and agencies for assistance, as applicable. The City will retain a list of charitable and community organizations to which account holders may be referred for assistance with utility bills, but makes no guarantee of said assistance.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)
Account holders who are in arrears with their billing have a limited payment plan available. Account holders are given four months plus current billing to pay the payment plan and any charges in arrears. No more than one plan per utility account number per year shall be extended. Failure to make any payment under an arranged payment plan when due shall cause the total unpaid amount to become payable on demand and may lead to termination of utility service.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)