General Provisions
150.01 Construction, erection of signs and the like near streets
150.02 Sidewalk repair
150.03 Fee for failing to secure a permit
150.04 Uniform numbering of buildings and lots
Regulations for Airport Facilities
150.15 Definitions
150.16 Hangar area and lots
150.17 Lease of land for permanent hangars
150.18 Improvements
150.19 Application, permits, construction and maintenance
150.20 Construction materials
150.21 Portable hangars
150.22 Liability
Street Excavations
150.35 Applications
150.36 Evacuation methods
150.37 Replacement of base
150.38 Replacement of pavement
150.39 Winter excavations
150.40 Wet excavations
150.41 Responsibility
150.42 Enforcement
Housing Code
150.55 Definitions
150.56 Inspections
150.57 Enforcement; service of notice; hearings
150.58 Demolition of substandard dwelling units
150.59 Adoption of rules and regulation by the Housing Officer
150.60 Minimum standards for basic equipment and facilities
150.61 Minimum standards for light, ventilation and heating
150.62 General requirements relating to maintenance
150.63 Minimum space, use and location requirements
150.64 Responsibility of owners and occupants
150.65 Rooming houses
150.66 Designation of unfit dwellings and legal procedure of condemnation
150.67 Conflict of ordinances
150.99 Penalty
(A) Wherever in this section the word APPLICANT is used, the same shall refer to the owner of the premises or contractor doing work for the owner or tenant of the premises, or occupant of the premises by whom the work is being done or for whom the work is being done.
(B) Before any work is done in connection with the construction, excavation, erection of signs and tree trimming or removal, and painting or repair work within the street limits or within five feet of the street limits, the applicant shall secure a permit from the city.
(C) No such permit shall be issued until the applicant furnishes a liability insurance policy as set forth in this section.
(D) In the case of excavation, construction work, tree trimming or removal and painting or repairs, the applicant shall indemnify the city against all claims for restoration of property to its former condition prior to said work.
(E) The City Council, or any officer or employee of the city designated thereby for that purpose, is hereby authorized to give notice, by personal service or certified mail, to the applicant of premises worked on for failure to restore the premises to its former condition for any condition remaining in violation of the provisions of this section, directing and requiring said applicant to conform to the requirements of this section. In the event the applicant refuses or fails to comply within five days after receipt of said notice, the city authorities may restore the premises to its former or prior condition, subject nevertheless to proper changes or alterations which occurred to the premises for which the permit was issued. Any costs incurred by the city for work performed as aforesaid, together with a penalty of 10% of the costs thereof, shall be collected by the city from such applicant in the manner provided by law.
(F) Applicant shall save and hold harmless the city and shall pay and discharge all lawful claims for injury to persons and property caused by the negligence of the owner, applicant, employees or agents of owner or applicant or of any independent contractor hired by same, and shall provide proof of liability insurance with limits of $100,000 and $300,000, approved by the city.
(Ord. 1294, passed 8-15-1983)
(A) From and after the passage of this section, all improved sidewalks shall be on the grade as established by the City Engineer.
(B) From and after the passage of this section, all sidewalks within the limits of the city shall be of concrete excepting only that in sparsely settled areas where the foot traffic does not, in the opinion of the City Council, require the use of concrete, the City Council may, on request of the property owner, permit walks of a different material.
(C) All material used in the repair of existing sidewalks shall be the same material as used in the original construction of such sidewalk, provided, however, that a material which is more durable than the material in the original sidewalk may be used for such repairs.
(D) Minor repairs to brick sidewalks may be made with the use of brick. Major repairs of such sidewalks, however, shall be of a material that would be permitted under the other provisions of this section, excepting only that the City Council may, at the request of the property owner, permit the use of brick in a major repair of a brick sidewalk.
(E) Any person constructing a sidewalk or re-laying a sidewalk or making major repairs thereto shall first secure a permit from the City Engineer’s office for such work.
(F) In the event that any person constructs or repairs a sidewalk contrary to the provisions of this section, the City Council may serve notice on such individual to re-lay the walk or to redo the repairs in a manner which meets the requirements of the provisions of this section within such period of time as Council may direct. On default of such action on the part of the property owner, the City Council may then order the work done and assess the cost of the work against the property owner in the same manner and to the same effect as original sidewalk liens may be assessed against the property.
(Ord. 973, passed 8-7-1961)