General Provisions
152.001 Short title
152.002 Statement of findings
152.003 Purpose
152.004 Statutory authority
152.005 Applicability
152.006 Compatibility with other ordinance requirements
152.007 Duty of persons engaged in the development of land
152.008 Municipal liability disclaimer
152.009 Definitions
Stormwater Management Standards
152.020 General provisions
152.021 Exemptions/modifications
152.022 Waivers
152.023 Volume controls
152.024 Rate controls
E&S Standards
152.035 Erosion and sedimentation requirements during earth disturbance activities
Design Criteria
152.050 Design criteria for stormwater management and drainage facilities
152.051 Calculation methodology
SWM Site Plan and Report Requirements
152.065 General requirements
152.066 SWM Site Plan and Report contents
152.067 SWM Site Plan and Report submission
152.068 SWM Site Plan and Report review
152.069 Modification of plans
152.070 Resubmission of disapproved SWM Site Plan and Report
152.071 Authorization to construct and term of validity
152.072 Record drawings, completion certificate and final inspection
152.085 Easements
Maintenance Responsibilities
152.100 Financial guarantee
152.101 Maintenance responsibilities
152.102 Maintenance agreement for privately owned stormwater facilities
152.115 Schedule of inspections
152.116 Right of entry
152.130 Notification
152.131 Enforcement
152.132 Public nuisance
152.133 Suspension and revocation
152.134 Appeals
152.145 Prohibited discharges and connections
152.146 Roof drains
152.147 Alteration of BMPs
Fees and Expenses
152.160 General
152.161 Expenses covered by fees
152.162 Recording of approved SWM Site Plan and related agreements
152.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Operation and maintenance agreement
Appendix B: Low impact development practices
Appendix C: Stormwater management design criteria
Appendix D: Review fee reimbursement agreement
Appendix E: Small project SWM plan application
Appendix F: Release rate map
The governing body of the city finds that:
(A) Inadequate management of accelerated stormwater runoff resulting from development throughout a watershed increases flood flows and velocities, contributes to erosion and sedimentation, overtaxes the carrying capacity of existing streams and storm sewers, greatly increases the cost of public facilities to convey and manage stormwater, undermines floodplain management and flood reduction efforts in upstream and downstream communities, reduces groundwater recharge, threatens public health and safety and increases non-point source pollution of water resources;
(B) A comprehensive program of stormwater management, including reasonable regulation of development and activities causing accelerated runoff, is fundamental to the public health, safety, welfare and the protection of the people of the city and all the people of the state, their resources and the environment;
(C) Inadequate planning and management of stormwater runoff resulting from land development and redevelopment throughout a watershed can also harm surface water resources by changing the natural hydrologic patterns; accelerating stream flows (which increase scour and erosion of streambeds and stream banks thereby elevating sedimentation); destroying aquatic habitat; and elevating aquatic pollutant concentrations and loadings such as sediments, nutrients, heavy metals and pathogens. Groundwater resources are also impacted through loss of recharge;
(D) Stormwater is an important water resource which provides groundwater recharge for water supplies and base flow of streams, which also protects and maintains surface water quality;
(E) Public education on the control of pollution from stormwater is an essential component in successfully addressing stormwater issues;
(F) Federal and state regulations require certain municipalities to implement a program of stormwater controls. These municipalities are required to obtain a permit for stormwater discharges from their separate storm sewer systems under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES); and
(G) Non-stormwater discharges to municipal separate storm sewer systems can contribute to pollution of waters of the state.
(Ord. 1508, passed 12-20-2010)