13.16.010 Diverting water flow – Prohibited generally.
13.16.020 Diverting water flow – Permit.
13.16.030 Diverting water flow – Construction.
13.16.040 Ditches – Depositing debris – Permit required.
13.16.050 Ditches – Cutting – Permit required.
13.16.060 Waste, irrigation water.
13.16.070 Catch basins – Location.
13.16.050 Catch basins – Dimensions.
13.16.090 Catch basins – Construction.
13.16.100 Catch basins – Application to construct.
13.16.110 Wastewater on streets.
No person shall place or construct any dam, weir, bulkhead or other construction, or any rocks, brush or earth in any main or branch ditch of the storm drain system of the city, or in any gutter or drain connected therewith, or make any breach or opening in the sidewalls or bottom of any such gutter or drain, or of the curbing connected therewith, or place or keep at any point in the storm drains any trap or gate for the purpose of diverting water from the same, except as provided in this chapter.
(`78 Code, § 13.16.010.)
Any person desiring to divert waters at any point along the storm drains of the city shall make application in writing to the Council for permission so to do, and the application shall be accompanied with a sketch showing in what manner the applicant desires to make such diversion of water. All applications shall be referred to the City Engineer for his or her investigation, and if approved by him or her, the application may be granted by the Council; provided, that before any permit is granted to any person to divert waters from any part of the storm drain system, or gutters or drains upon the public highways of the city connected therewith, the applicant shall sign an agreement with the city which shall provide in substance that such applicant claims no rights in the storm drains or the waters flowing therein except under the license of the city; that the city disclaims all responsibility for the maintenance of any flow of water whatever at the point of diversion; and that the license to divert waters is revocable at any time upon 30 days notice by the city.
(`78 Code, § 13.16.020.)
After the granting of any license for the diversion of water, the means of diversion shall be constructed at the point and in the manner specified by the application and under the supervision of the City Engineer, provided that all cost of such construction, including any necessary repairs to the storm drain system, shall be borne by the applicant.
(`78 Code, § 13.16.030.)