   6.04   Administration and Definitions
   6.08   Animals Running at Large
   6.10   Animals and Rabies
   6.11   Noisy Animals
   6.12   Dogs and Cats - General Regulations
   6.14   Potentially Dangerous and Vicious Dogs
   6.16   Wild or Vicious Animals
   6.17   Display of Wild or Exotic Animals
   6.18   Bee Keeping and Control
   6.20   Keeping of Female Chickens
   6.04.010   Administration.
   6.04.020   Definitions.
6.04.010 Administration.
   (A)   The Chief of Police and his or her duly authorized designees, including animal control officers, shall be primarily responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this title. For the sole purpose of enforcing this title, the animal control officers shall have the rights and authority of peace officers.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and his or her animal control officers:
      (1)   To receive, take up and impound any animal in accordance with the provisions of this title;
      (2)   To regularly and adequately feed, water and otherwise care for all animals impounded under the provisions of this title, or to provide for such feeding and watering;
      (3)   To investigate the condition and behavior of any dog which he or she has reason to believe is vicious or dangerous, and to follow-up in accordance with the terms of this title;
      (4)   To impound or humanely euthanize any animals which are injured upon the highways when, in the opinion of the animal control officer, such euthanasia is necessary and humane. The animal control officer shall also properly dispose of the carcass of any animal which is euthanized. Should an injured or euthanized animal have tags identifying the owner or keeper of such animal, the owner or keeper thereof shall be notified of its injury or euthanasia, either in person or by mail;
      (5)   To do and perform any other acts necessary to enforce the provisions of this title, including investigating and issuing citations for violations of this title and of the laws of the state relating to animals;
      (6)   To enter upon any private property, subject to constitutional limitations, for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this title.
   (C)   It is unlawful for any person to interfere with, oppose or resist the Chief of Police or his or her animal control officers while engaged in the performance of the duties pertaining to the enforcement of this title.
(Ord. 3170 § 2 (part), 2014.)