13.14.010 Definitions.
13.14.020 Utilities Department.
13.14.030 Service area.
13.14.040 Rates and ready to serve charge.
13.14.050 New construction and connection fees - rates.
13.14.060 Payment plan options.
13.14.070 Line size and refund agreements.
13.14.080 Conditions of service.
13.14.090 Service connections.
13.14.100 Billing, delinquency and penalties.
13.14.110 Disputed bills.
13.14.120 Use of water prior to application for service.
13.14.130 Voluntary shutoffs and restoration of service.
13.14.140 Use of fire hydrants.
13.14.150 Water jumper service.
13.14.160 Water conservation.
13.14.170 Water theft.
As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth below:
“Apartment House” means any building containing three or more dwelling units with separate plumbing facilities, but not including any building commonly known as a hotel, motel, or auto court.
“Applicant” means a person, persons, firm, association, government agency, corporation or other concern who indicates a desire to obtain water and/or sewer service from the Department.
"City" means City of Corona, California, its officials, all departments and all employees of the city.
"City Council" means the City Council of the City of Corona.
“Costs” means the total labor, materials, supplies, transportation expenses, supervision, inspection, engineering and other overhead.
“Customer” means the person, persons, firm, association, government agency, corporation or other concern responsible for payment of water and/or sewer billings from the Department.
“Department” means the Utilities Department of the City of Corona and its employees.
“Development fee for water system improvements” shall mean a fee to improve existing water facilities or construct new water facilities such as pipelines, reservoirs, booster pump stations, treatment facilities, wells, and other sources of water.
"Director" means the duly appointed Director of Utilities of the Utilities Department of the City of Corona or other designated city employee responsible for administration of the Department.
“Dwelling unit” means a suite of one or more rooms which is occupied or intended to be occupied by one person or one family.
“Frontage” means the portions of a parcel abutting a public or approved private right-of-way.
“Non-profit organization” means an organization or entity which has received recognition of tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service, and/or the State of California Franchise Tax Board, and which maintains in good standing its tax-exempt status, and/or a corporation organized and existing under the California Corporations Code, §§ 5000 et seq., as it may be amended.
“Premises” refers to and includes a lot or parcel of land, a building or an establishment.
“Property” means a parcel of real property of record as shown in the County Assessor's maps on file in the Community Development Department of the City of Corona.
“Rooming house” means any building other than apartment houses, motels, hotels or auto courts, where two or more rooms are rented to others for lodging purposes by the person in charge of such a building.
“Service” means the provision of water service to premises in the city.
“Service call” means the generation of a service order to disconnect, reconnect, reread, repair, or otherwise maintain the meter at the service address.
“Service connections” means the tapping of water mains and the laying of pipes from the main to the curb-line, and the setting of the meter and meter vault.
“Sewage” means any water-borne or liquid wastes, including domestic sewage and industrial waste, but does not include or mean stormwater, groundwater, roof or yard drainage.
"Tamper" or "tampering" means to rearrange, injure, alter, interfere with, or otherwise prevent from performing a normal or customary function and includes all of the following:
(1) Breaking, picking or damaging cut-off locks or any other lock or plug that has been placed by the Department on a customer's meter.
(2) Bypassing a meter in any way.
(3) Opening valves at the curb or meters that have been turned off by the city.
(4) Removing, disabling or adjusting meter registers or otherwise preventing a meter or other device used in determining the charge for services, from accurately performing its measuring function.
(5) Moving a meter or extending service without permission of the Department.
"Unauthorized use" means and includes all of the following:
(1) The use of water from a stationary service connection where service has been discontinued.
(2) The use of water from a public fire hydrant to supply water outside of the city service area, regardless of whether payment is provided to the city for the water drawn from the public fire hydrant.
(3) Any use of a hydrant meter in violation of the terms and conditions of a construction water meter permit.
(4) Any connection or reconnection to property or facilities owned or used by the city to provide service without the authorization or consent of the Department.
"Water theft" means and includes all of the following:
(1) The use, diversion, receipt, or taking of city water by any means from any public fire hydrant, blow-off valve, water main, water service lateral, or other city facility or connection to a city facility to which a city authorized metering device has not been installed or has been removed by the city.
(2) The use, diversion, receipt, or taking of city water by any means without paying the full and lawful city charges for such water.
(3) The tampering with any property or facilities owned or used by the city to provide service or unauthorized use, or by tampering with a service connection or bypassing a meter, or by making an unauthorized connection to any city facilities or any public fire hydrant.
(Ord. 3346 § 5, 2022; Ord. 2918 § 1(part), 2007.)
The Department shall make every reasonable effort to provide the city with a continuous and adequate supply of safe and potable water as well as an efficient disposal of sewage. The Director is responsible for the efficient and safe operation and management of the Department, its facilities and employees.
(Ord. 3346 § 5, 2022; Ord. 2918 § 1(part), 2007.)
Service shall be permitted to all areas within the city's sphere of influence upon application. The “Service Area for the City of Corona” is on file and available for inspection at the Department. Any changes to the service area shall be approved by the City Council prior to incorporating areas not currently in the service area being served by the Department.
(Ord. 3346 § 5, 2022; Ord. 2918 § 1(part), 2007.)