   1.01   Code Adoption
   1.04   General Provisions
   1.08   Penalties
   1.09   Appeal Procedures for Adversairal or Prosecutorial Proceedings
   1.12   Unclaimed Property
   1.14   Reinspection Fees
   1.01.010   Adoption.
   1.01.020   Title – Citation – Reference.
   1.01.030   Reference applies to all amendments.
   1.01.040   Title, chapter, section headings.
   1.01.050   Effect of provisions on pre-existing material.
   1.01.060   Effect of code on past actions and obligations.
   1.01.070   Constitutionality.
1.01.010 Adoption.
   Pursuant to the provisions of Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 50022.1 through 50022.8 and 50022.0, there is adopted the Corona Municipal Code ("the code"), as amended and recodified under the auspices of American Legal Publishing Company, together with those secondary codes adopted by reference therein, except those portions of said secondary codes as are deleted or modified by the provisions of the code.
(`78 Code, § 1.01.010) (Ord. 1557 § 1, 1979.)
Statutory reference:
   For statutory provisions authorizing cities to codify their ordinances, see Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 50022.1 through 50022.8 and 50022.10.
1.01.020 Title – Citation – Reference.
   Henceforth it shall be sufficient to refer to the code as the "Corona Municipal Code" in any prosecution for the violation of any provision thereof or in any proceeding at law or in equity. It shall be sufficient to designate any ordinance adding to, amending, correcting or repealing all or any portion thereof as an addition to, amendment to, correction or repeal of the Corona Municipal Code. Further, reference may be made to the titles, chapters, sections and divisions of the code, and such references shall apply to that numbered title, chapter, section or division as it appears in the code.
(`78 Code, § 1.01.020) (Ord. 1557 § 2, 1979.)