3.02 Fee and Service Charge Revenue and Cost Comparison System
3.04 Claims Against the City
3.08 Purchasing Regulations
3.09 Reserved
3.16 Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund
3.28 Sales and Use Tax
3.30 Transactions and Use Tax
3.32 Dwelling Development Tax
3.34 Transient Occupancy Tax
3.36 Fire Facilities Fee
3.38 Commercial Cannabis Business Tax
3.02.010 Intent.
3.02.020 Delegation of authority and direction to City Manager.
3.02.030 Costs reasonably borne.
3.02.040 Schedule of fees and service charges.
3.02.050 Public meeting.
3.02.060 Provisions of data.
3.02.070 Appeal to City Council.
3.02.080 Fee reductions and exemptions for nonprofit organizations.
3.02.090 Fee reductions for single-family infill residential development within the Downtown Specific Plan.
Pursuant to the California Constitution, Art. XIIIB, it is the intent of the City Council to require the setting and recovery of costs reasonably borne from fees and charges levied therefor in providing the regulation, products or services set forth in § 3.02.040.
(`78 Code, § 3.02.010.) (Ord. 1914 § 1 (part), 1989; Ord. 1732 § 1 (part), 1984.)
The City Manager is delegated the authority and directed to adjust fees and charges to recover the percentage of costs reasonably borne in providing the regulation, products or services enumerated in § 3.02.040 in the percentage of costs reasonably borne and on the schedule of rate review and revision as hereinafter established in this chapter. In so adjusting fees and charges, the City Manager shall act in an administrative and ministerial capacity and shall consider only the standards and criteria established by this chapter.
(`78 Code, § 3.02.020.) (Ord. 1914 § 1 (part), 1989; Ord. 1732 § 1 (part), 1984.)