17.02 General Provisions
17.04 Definitions and Construction
17.06 A-Agricultural Zone
17.08 A-14.4 Single-Family Residential Zone
17.10 R-1A Single-Family Residential Zone
17.11 R-20.0 Single-Family Residential Zone
17.12 R-12.0 Single-Family Residential Zone
17.14 R-1-9.6 Single-Family Residential Zone
17.16 R-1-8.4 Single-Family Residential Zone
17.18 R-1-7.2 Single-Family Residential Zone
17.20 R-1-14.4 Single-Family Residential Zone
17.22 R-2 Low-Density Multiple-Family Residential Zone
17.24 R-3 Multiple-Family Residential Zone
17.26 R-3-C Multiple-Dwelling Zone
17.28 R-G Multiple-Dwelling Zone
17.30 MP Mobile Home Park Zone
17.31 Affordable Housing Overlay Zone
17.32 P Off-Street Parking Zone
17.33 Commercial & Office Zones
17.35 Quasi-Public (QP) Zone
17.41 Adult Use Zoning Regulations
17.44 Industrial Zones
17.52 PCD Planned Community Development Zone
17.53 Specific Plan Zone
17.54 FP-1 Primary Floodplain Zone
17.56 FP-2 Secondary Floodplain Zone
17.58 FP-3 Tertiary Floodplain Zone
17.59 Hillside District
17.60 O Combining Oil Zone
17.61 Institutional Uses Zone
17.62 Overlay Zones
17.63 Historic Resources
17.64 Lots and Yards
17.65 Telecommunications Facilities
17.66 Accessory Buildings and Building Height
17.67 Low Barrier Navigation Centers
17.68 Vehicular Access
17.70 Landscaping, Fences, Walls, Hedges
17.71 Picture Arcade Viewing Booths
17.72 Supplemental Site Development Standards for Automotive Related Uses
17.73 Health Care and Community Facilities
17.74 Signs
17.75 Donation Collection Containers
17.76 Off-Street Parking
17.78 Off-Street Loading
17.79 Trash Enclosures
17.80 Home Occupations
17.81 Manufactured Housing on Permanent Foundation
17.82 Planned Unit and Condominium Development
17.83 Conversions To Condominiums
17.84 Performance Standards
17.85 Accessory Dwelling Unit
17.86 Setback Requirements
17.87 Density Bonus Agreements and Development Agreements
17.88 Similar Uses
17.90 Nonconforming Uses
17.91 Precise Plans
17.92 Conditional Use Permit
17.93 Appeals from Commission Decisions on Conditional Use Permits and Variances
17.95 Appeals from Decisions of the Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Zoning Administrator
17.96 Variances
17.97 Film Permits
17.98 Board of Zoning Adjustment and Special Use Permits
17.99 Zoning Administrator and Temporary Use Permits
17.100 Architectural Review Board
17.102 Development Plan Review
17.104 Zoning Map Amendment
17.106 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment
17.108 Administration and Enforcement
The provisions of this title are not intended to interfere with, abrogate or annul any easements, covenants or other agreements existing as of April 21, 1966, the original effective date of the ordinance codified in this title. The City Council may impose by agreement such conditions upon the reclassification of property under this title as it finds necessary to prevent effects from such reclassification which are potentially deleterious to the public health, safety or general welfare of the citizens of the city.
(`78 Code, § 17.02.010.) (Ord. 1499 § 1, 1978.)
Whenever the provisions of this title impose a greater restriction or regulation upon buildings or structures and the use of them or the use of lands or premises and require larger open space or yards or setbacks than are imposed or required by other ordinances, rules or regulations, the provisions of this title shall govern.
(`78 Code, § 17.02.020.)