   13.12.010   Purpose.
   13.12.020   Definitions.
   13.12.030   References include amendments.
   13.12.040   Delegation of powers.
   13.12.050   House laterals, sewers - Maintenance.
   13.12.060   Duty designated.
   13.12.070   Permit - Required.
   13.12.080   Permit - Application - Form.
   13.12.090   Permit - Application - Consideration.
   13.12.100   Charge - Sewer construction.
   13.12.110   Property located in reimbursement district.
   13.12.115   Corona sewer service to the ‘Green River Area.’
   13.12.120   Charge - Payment prerequisite to permit issuance.
   13.12.125   Charge for increased sewer capacity; transfer of interim sewer capacity.
   13.12.130   Credit for previous connection.
   13.12.140   Deposit - Use of funds.
   13.12.150   Records.
   13.12.160   Reimbursement.
   13.12.170   Charges nonexclusive.
   13.12.180   Construction - Standards.
   13.12.190   Construction - City ownership.
   13.12.200   Enforcement - Appeal.
   13.12.210   Enforcement - Authority.
   13.12.220   Violation - Penalty.
13.12.010 Purpose.
   The purpose of this chapter is to provide for a fair and equitable schedule of charges for services and facilities furnished by the city sewerage system, to provide for the procurement of a permit from the Director of Utilities for making connections with the public sewers and to establish a sewer assessments fund into which these charges may be deposited and from which moneys will be available for the purpose of defraying the cost of replacement and expansion of the sewerage system and sewage disposal plant of the city.
(`78 Code, § 13.12.010.) (Ord. 3346 § 4, 2022; Ord. 1682 § 3, 1983.)