Civil Service
137.01   Civil Service Commission; composition and term.
137.02   Commission officers.
137.03   Salaries and expenses from General Fund.
137.04   Jurisdiction of Commission.
137.05   Classification of employees.
137.06   Positions in classified service.
137.07   Positions in unclassified service.
137.08   Effect of local and State law.
137.09   Ascertainment of merit and fitness.
137.10   Mayor as appointing authority.
137.11   Appointments, promotions and probation.
137.12   Tenure.
137.13   Economic layoffs.
137.14   Suspension, demotion and removal.
137.15   Charge, hearing and penalty on disciplinary action.
137.16   Appeal and original hearing on charges brought by appointing authority.
137.17   Authority of Civil Service Commission.
137.18   Enforcement.
137.19   Reimbursement for services.
137.20   Fees to witnesses.
137.21   Conflict; determination of controlling provision.
Civil Service - see Ohio Const., Art. XV, Sec. 10
Civil Service Commission - see CHTR. Art. XII
Civil Service law - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 124
Application to police and fire personnel - see Ohio R.C. 737.051, 737.10, 737.11