Chap. 701. General Provisions.
   Chap. 705. Auctions.
   Chap. 709. Billiard Rooms and Bowling Alleys.
   Chap. 711. Marijuana Entity Licensing.
   Chap. 713. Rental Halls.
   Chap. 717. Eyeglasses.
   Chap. 721. Going-Out-of-Business Sales.
   Chap. 725. Amusement Devices.
   Chap. 729. Cigarette and Tobacco Vendors; Sales to Persons Under 21.
   Chap. 731. Newsracks.
   Chap. 733. Pawnbrokers.
   Chap. 737. Peddlers and Solicitors.
   Chap. 741. Residential Personal Property Sales.
   Chap. 745. Taxicabs.
   Chap. 747. Rental Listing Organizations.
   Chap. 749. Fair Practices.
   Chap. 751. Commercial Snow Removal and Commercial Landscaping.
   Chap. 753. Non-Bank Automated Teller Machines.
   Chap. 755. Licensing and Operation of Sexually Oriented Businesses.
   Chap. 757. Prohibited Predatory Loans.
   Chap. 759. Video Service Provider Fee.
   Chap. 761. Secondhand Dealers.
   Chap. 763. Solid Waste Collectors.
      Chap. 765. Third-Party Food Delivery Services.   
      Chap. 767. Tenant’s Right to Pay to Stay.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Business Regulation Code was adopted by Ordinance 73-1972, passed December 4, 1972, which Ordinance is the history of all sections not otherwise indicated.)