Employees Generally
139.01   Use and marking of City vehicles.
139.02   Official bonds.
139.03   Payment of employee moving expenses.
139.04   Payment of applicant interview expenses.
139.05   Appointments, promotions and probation.
139.06   Tenure and economic layoff.
139.07   Suspension, demotion or removal.
139.08   Disciplinary procedures; notice, hearing and final action.
139.09   Witness fees concerning employment.
139.10   Payment of salaries.
139.11   Transfer; sick leave credit.
139.12   Transfer; service length and vacation credit.
139.13   Paid parental leave and childbirth leave.
139.14   Leave for draftees.
139.15   Leave for reserve training duty.
139.16   Other leaves of absence.
139.17   Permanent part-time employees.
139.18   New administrative employees.
139.19   Mayor benefits.
139.20   Special circumstances.
139.21   Authority of Council and Mayor.
139.22   Authorized expense expenditures.
139.23   Conflict; determination of controlling provision.
139.24   Domestic partnerships.
139.25   Cellular telephones.
Workers' compensation - see Ohio Const., Art. II, Sec. 35; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4123
Deductions for municipal income tax - see Ohio R.C. 9.42
Public Employees Retirement System - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 145
Department of Public Safety employees - see ADM. Ch. 131
Civil service - see ADM. Ch. 137