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Cleveland, OH Code of Ordinances
§ 240.02 Lead Hazards Are A Nuisance
   (a)   This Council finds that lead hazards constitute a nuisance.
   (b)   The Commissioner may determine that a nuisance is required to be immediately controlled under this section if, in the Commissioner’s opinion, failure to immediately control the hazard may cause a serious risk to the health of the occupants of the property. In such a case, the Commissioner may require the owner or manager of the property to immediately control the nuisance or the Commissioner may, by his or her authorized representative, immediately control such nuisance.
(Ord. No. 1027-04. Passed 8-11-04, eff. 8-17-04)
§ 240.03 Prohibitions
   (a)   No person shall do any of the following:
      (1)   Violate any provision of RC Chapter 3742, as may be applicable, or the rules adopted pursuant to it;
      (2)   Apply or cause to be applied any lead-based paint on or inside a residential unit, child day-care facility, or school, unless the Ohio director of health has determined by rule under RC 3742.45 that no suitable substitute exists;
      (3)   Interfere with an investigation conducted in accordance with this chapter or RC 3742.35 or by the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee, any lead inspector or risk assessor.
   (b)   No person shall knowingly authorize or employ an individual to perform lead abatement on a residential unit, child day-care facility, or school unless the individual who will perform the lead abatement holds a valid license issued under RC 3742.05.
   (c)   No person shall do any of the following when a residential unit, child day-care facility, or school is involved:
      (1)   Perform a lead inspection without a valid lead inspector license issued under RC 3742.05;
      (2)   Perform a lead risk assessment or provide professional advice regarding lead abatement without a valid lead risk assessor license issued under RC 3742.05;
      (3)   Act as a lead abatement contractor without a valid lead abatement contractor's license issued under RC 3742.05;
      (4)   Act as a lead abatement project designer without a valid lead abatement project designer license issued under RC 3742.05;
      (5)   Perform lead abatement without a valid lead abatement worker license issued under RC 3742.05;
      (6)   Perform a clearance examination without a valid clearance technician license issued under RC 3742.05, unless the person holds a valid lead inspector license or valid lead risk assessor license issued under that section;
      (7)   Perform lead training for the licensing purposes of RC Chapter 3742 without a valid approval from the director of health under RC 3742.08.
      (8)   Perform interim controls without complying with 24 C.F.R. Part 35.
      (9)   Perform lead-safe maintenance practices without complying with RC 3742.41 and 3742.42.
   (d)   No person shall manufacture, sell or hold for sale toys and other articles intended for use by children as defined in 16 C.F.R. 1303.2, or furniture as defined in 16 C.F.R. 1303.2, that bears paint containing lead in excess of 0.009 percent by weight of the total nonvolatile content of the paint or the weight of the dried paint film.
   (e)   No person shall sell or lease target housing in the City unless the owner, lessor, or agent of the target housing meets all applicable requirements of Section 240.06 regarding disclosures of lead hazards.
   (f)   No person renovating target housing in the City shall fail to comply with Section 240.07.
   (g)   No owner or manager of a retail or wholesale outlet of paint and paint-removal products shall violate division (b) of Section 240.07 by failing to provide an EPA-approved lead hazard information pamphlet.
   (h)   All power-assisted methods of lead-based paint removal are hereby prohibited, unless the standards and methods set forth in OAC Chapters 3701-30 or 3701-32, as applicable, are followed. Open flame burning is prohibited under any circumstances.
(Ord. No. 747-2019. Passed 7-24-19, eff. 7-26-19)
§ 240.04 Secondary Prevention
   (a)   When the Commissioner becomes aware that an individual under six (6) years of age has lead poisoning, the Commissioner is authorized to conduct an investigation or lead risk assessment in accordance with the requirements of OAC Chapter 3701.
   (b)   In conducting the investigation, the Commissioner may request permission to enter, or for a lead inspector or risk assessor to enter, the residential unit, child day-care facility, or school that the Commissioner suspects to be the sources of the lead poisoning. If the Commissioner or delegated lead inspector or risk assessor is unable to obtain permission to enter the property, either may apply for an order of court to enter the property.
   (c)   As part of the investigation, the Commissioner may review the records and reports, if any, maintained by a lead inspector, lead abatement contractor, lead risk assessor, lead abatement project designer, lead abatement worker, or clearance technician.
   (d)   When the Commissioner determines, as a result of an investigation and/or risk assessment conducted under division (a) of this section, that a residential unit, child day-care facility, or school are contributing to a child’s lead poisoning, the Commissioner is authorized to issue an order, in accordance with OAC Chapter 3701, to have each lead hazard controlled.
   (e)   No person shall fail to comply with an order issued by the Commissioner under division (d).
(Ord. No. 1027-04. Passed 8-11-04, eff. 8-17-04)
§ 240.05 Lead Abatement and Lead Hazard Control
   (a)   The Commissioner is authorized to establish a program for loaning equipment, at no cost, for the removal or control of lead hazards in the City and is authorized to enter into contracts, as approved by the Director of Law, for the purpose of loaning the equipment.
   (b)   The commissioners and inspectors of the Division of Environment and Department of Building and Housing are authorized to issue a stop work or cease and desist order to any person performing work in violation of RC Chapter 3742 or this chapter.
   (c)   No person shall fail to immediately stop lead abatement or control activities when ordered to do so under division (b) of this section. No person shall resume lead abatement or control activities except in conformance with all applicable standards and methods prescribed in RC Chapter 3742.
(Ord. No. 747-2019. Passed 7-24-19, eff. 7-26-19)
§ 240.06 Disclosures in Sale or Lease of Target Housing Regarding Lead Hazards
   (a)   Disclosure in Purchase or Lease of Target Housing.
      (1)   A seller or lessor of target housing must disclose information concerning lead upon the transfer of any target housing pursuant to the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, 42 U.S.C. 4852d, and shall adhere to all rules and regulations promulgated under the Act, as may be amended from time to time. Before a purchaser or tenant is obligated under a contract to purchase target housing or a rental agreement to lease target housing, the seller or lessor shall perform the activities and provide the disclosures described in this section:
         A.   Provide the purchaser or tenant with an EPA-approved lead hazard information pamphlet;
         B.   Disclose to the purchaser in writing in the sales contract, or to the tenant, in writing in the rental agreement: (i) the presence of any known lead-based paint, or any known lead-based paint hazards, in the housing; (ii) any additional information available concerning the known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards, such as the basis for the determination that lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards exist, the location of the lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards, and the condition of the painted surfaces; and (iii) whether the property or unit is under a lead hazard control order;
         C.   Disclose to the tenant a copy of the most recent clearance examination or lead risk assessment and, if applicable, the lead-safe certification;
         D.   Provide to the purchaser or tenant any records or reports (including notices or letters of violation) available pertaining to lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards in the target housing, including regarding common areas, and regarding other residential dwellings in multi-family target housing, provided that the information is part of an evaluation or reduction of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the target housing;
         E.   Permit the purchaser a ten (10) day period (unless the parties mutually agree in writing to a different period of time or to waive this requirement) to conduct a lead risk assessment or lead inspection for the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards;
         F.   Include in the sale or rental agreement the Lead Warning Statement prescribed in 40 C.F.R. 745.113;
         G.   Include in the sale or rental agreement acknowledgments that the pamphlet, disclosures, ten (10) day period (if required) and warning required were provided.
      (2)   Discovery of Lead Hazards or Presumed Lead Hazards. If the owner of a residential unit learns of the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards the owner shall notify each tenant of the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards within ten (10) days of discovering its presence. In addition, the owner shall notify prospective tenants of presumed lead-based paint and shall provide each tenant with a Lead Warning Statement and the lead hazard information pamphlet, as prescribed by 42 U.S.C. 4852d.
      (3)   Compliance Assurance. Whenever a seller or lessor has entered into a contract with an agent for the purpose of selling or leasing a unit of target housing, the agent, on behalf of the seller or lessor, shall ensure compliance with the requirements of this section and 40 C.F.R. 745 Subpart F. An agent means any party who enters into a contract with a seller or lessor, including any party who enters into a contract with a representative of the seller or lessor, for the purpose of selling or leasing target housing. The term "agent" does not apply to purchasers or any purchaser's representative who receives all compensation from the purchaser.
   (b)   Penalties for Violations.
      (1)   Criminal Penalty. Any person who knowingly fails to comply with any provision of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided in Section 240.99.
      (2)   The Director of Public Health or Commissioner is authorized to take lawful action as may be necessary to enforce this section or to enjoin any violation of it.
      (3)   Civil Liability. Any person who violates any provision of this section will be jointly and severally liable to the purchaser or lessee in an amount equal to one (1) month's rent or one (1) month's mortgage payment.
      (4)   In any action brought for damages under this section, the appropriate court may award court costs to the party commencing the action, together with reasonable attorney fees and any expert witness fees, if that party prevails.
      (5)   A non-profit environmental health or housing rights organization is authorized to bring an action under division (b)(3) of this section on behalf of an aggrieved individual or individual(s) for violations of this section. Such organization may recover its costs under the remedies provided in divisions (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this section if the organization demonstrates that it has exerted organizational resources, including staff time, to investigate the alleged non-compliance with this section.
   (c)   Validity of Contracts and Liens. Nothing in this section may affect the validity or enforceability of any sale or contract for the purchase and sale or lease of any interest in residential real property or any loan, loan agreement, mortgage, or lien made or arising in connection with a mortgage loan, nor may anything in this section create a defect in title.
(Ord. No. 747-2019. Passed 7-24-19, eff. 7-26-19)
§ 240.07 Residential Property Renovation; Paint Outlet Information Rule
   (a)   All renovations, repair and painting performed for compensation in target housing shall be performed in compliance with 40 C.F.R. Part 745, Subpart E, Residential Property Renovation, as may be amended from time to time. Any person performing renovations, repair and painting shall provide to occupants of the residential property a renovation-specific pamphlet as required under 40 C.F.R. 745.81.
   (b)   All retail and wholesale outlets of paint and paint removal products shall distribute an EPA- approved lead hazard information pamphlet to each purchaser of paint and paint removal products.
(Ord. No. 747-2019. Passed 7-24-19, eff. 7-26-19)
§ 240.08 Notice Requirements
   (a)   For any lead abatement, interim controls, lead-safe maintenance practices or lead-safe renovation work in a residential unit, child day-care facility or school, the owner shall provide seven (7) days advance written notice to all occupants of residential structures, or all parents, students, teachers, and staff of child day-care facilities or schools from which lead-based paint is to be removed, and to all occupants of residential structures which are within thirty (30) feet of the residential structure, child day-care facility or school from which the lead-based paint is to be removed. The notice shall be as prescribed by the Commissioner and shall include, at a minimum, the address at which the lead-based paint will be removed, the date of commencement of the lead-based paint removal, the anticipated length of time to complete the removal, and the method by which the lead-based paint will be removed. The notice shall include a copy of an EPA-approved lead hazard information pamphlet.
   (b)   The notice required under this section does not relieve any person from compliance with any other notice requirements under state or federal law, including when notice is required by a hazard control order.
(Ord. No. 747-2019. Passed 7-24-19, eff. 7-26-19)