§ 240.04 Secondary Prevention
   (a)   When the Commissioner becomes aware that an individual under six (6) years of age has lead poisoning, the Commissioner is authorized to conduct an investigation or lead risk assessment in accordance with the requirements of OAC Chapter 3701.
   (b)   In conducting the investigation, the Commissioner may request permission to enter, or for a lead inspector or risk assessor to enter, the residential unit, child day-care facility, or school that the Commissioner suspects to be the sources of the lead poisoning. If the Commissioner or delegated lead inspector or risk assessor is unable to obtain permission to enter the property, either may apply for an order of court to enter the property.
   (c)   As part of the investigation, the Commissioner may review the records and reports, if any, maintained by a lead inspector, lead abatement contractor, lead risk assessor, lead abatement project designer, lead abatement worker, or clearance technician.
   (d)   When the Commissioner determines, as a result of an investigation and/or risk assessment conducted under division (a) of this section, that a residential unit, child day-care facility, or school are contributing to a child’s lead poisoning, the Commissioner is authorized to issue an order, in accordance with OAC Chapter 3701, to have each lead hazard controlled.
   (e)   No person shall fail to comply with an order issued by the Commissioner under division (d).
(Ord. No. 1027-04. Passed 8-11-04, eff. 8-17-04)