392.01 Definitions
392.02 Smoke Detection and Alarm Systems – Installation Required
392.021 Carbon Monoxide Alarms; Installation Required in Rental Dwelling Units
392.03 Testing, Inspection, and Notification
392.04 Maintenance
392.05 Tampering
392.06 Enforcement
392.07 Smoke Alarm, Smoke Detector, and Carbon Monoxide Alarm and Battery Program
392.08 Acceptance of Gifts and Grants of Smoke Alarms, Smoke Detectors, Carbon Monoxide Detectors, Batteries and Monies for Those Devices; Authority to Purchase Smoke Alarms, Smoke Detectors, Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Batteries for Those Devices
392.99 Penalty
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Carbon monoxide alarm" means an approved device which detects the invisible gas known as carbon monoxide and which emits an audible signal indicating the presence of unhealthy or lethal levels of carbon monoxide, or both an audible and a visual signal indicating the presence of unhealthy or lethal levels of carbon monoxide.
(b) "Hearing impaired" means a hearing problem impairing the ability to be awakened by a standard smoke detector or carbon monoxide alarm whether or not wearing a hearing aid.
(c) "Multiple-station smoke alarm" means two (2) or more single-station alarm devices that are capable of interconnection such that actuation of one (1) causes the appropriate alarm signal to operate in all interconnected alarms.
(d) "Occupant" means a person over one (1) year of age, living, sleeping, cooking or eating in, or having actual possession of a dwelling unit or room used for room occupancy.
(e) "Owner" means the owner or owners of the premises, a vendee in possession, a mortgagee or receiver in possession, a lessee or joint lessees of the whole thereof, or an agent as any other person, firm or corporation directly in control of the premises or having a legal or equitable interest in the property.
(f) "Single-station smoke alarm" means an assembly incorporating the detector, the control equipment and the alarm-sounding device in one (1) unit, operated from a power supply either in the unit or obtained at the point of installation.
(g) "Sleeping area" means an area of a dwelling containing bedrooms which are separated from each other by no use area other than a bathroom.
(i) "Smoke alarm" means a single- or multiple-station alarm responsive to smoke.
(j) "Smoke detector" means a listed device that senses visible or invisible particles of combustion.
(Ord. No. 1528-15. Passed 5-9-16, eff. 5-10-16)
(a) The Ohio Fire Code at OAC 1301:7-7-09 "Fire Protection Systems" effective, November 10, 2011, and as amended, is adopted and incorporated by the City of Cleveland as if fully set out in this section. Owners of each new and existing building or structure shall install smoke alarms and smoke detectors as required by OAC 1301:7-7-09.
(b) Any battery-operated smoke detector or smoke alarm that is replaced with a battery-operated smoke detector or smoke alarm shall be replaced with a smoke-detector or smoke alarm that is equipped with a sealed, tamper-proof battery with a service life of not less than ten (10) years.
(c) Existing battery operated smoke detectors or smoke alarms shall be removed from service and replaced when they have been in service for a period of ten (10) years.
(Ord. No. 1528-15. Passed 5-9-16, eff. 5-10-16)
(a) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of each new and existing dwelling unit intended for rental purposes, within which fuel-fired appliances exist, to install a carbon monoxide alarm in each residential dwelling unit.
(b) The carbon monoxide alarm shall be installed outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms in each residential dwelling unit. When sleeping areas are not fully enclosed or separated from other living areas within a dwelling unit, the carbon monoxide alarm shall be installed nearest the area designated for sleeping, as per the manufacturer's specifications. Alarms shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms within the sleeping area or dwelling unit when all intervening doors are closed.
(c) Every carbon monoxide alarm shall comply with all applicable federal and state regulations and with Underwriters Laboratories standard 2034, and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
(d) Where a dwelling is occupied by a person who is deaf or hearing impaired and a written request for the installation of a carbon monoxide alarm is received by the owner from an occupant in the dwelling, a carbon monoxide alarm shall be installed by the owner which provides a visual or vibratile signal sufficient to warn the deaf or hearing impaired individual when activated.
(e) Carbon monoxide alarms in new construction shall be installed as required by the Building Code.
(Ord. No. 1528-15. Passed 5-9-16, eff. 5-10-16)
(a) Testing and inspection of smoke alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide alarms in each dwelling unit shall be performed by the occupant not less than once a week. The owner shall provide the occupant with printed information as to proper testing of smoke alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide alarms within the dwelling unit. If testing or inspection by an occupant reveals that a smoke alarm, smoke detector, or carbon monoxide alarm is not in proper working condition, the occupant shall notify the owner in writing that it is in need of maintenance by the owner to restore it to proper working condition or replacement as required under this chapter.
(b) At every change of occupancy of each dwelling unit occasioned by or incidental to a sale, lease or sublease of the dwelling, it shall also be the duty of the owner to inspect the smoke alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they are in proper working condition as required by this chapter. This section shall not be construed to vitiate or render void any contract, lease or sublease. In addition to other requirements of this chapter regarding testing and inspection of smoke alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide alarms, each owner of a dwelling unit shall inspect and test each smoke alarm, smoke detector, and carbon monoxide alarm in the dwelling unit at least annually to ensure they are in proper working condition as required by this chapter.
(c) Nothing in this section regarding testing, inspection and notification shall be construed to relieve the owner of a dwelling unit of the requirements under Section 392.02 or 392.021 of this chapter regarding the proper installation and maintenance of smoke alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide alarms.
(Ord. No. 1528-15. Passed 5-9-16, eff. 5-10-16)
(a) The owner shall repair or replace the smoke alarm, smoke detector, or carbon monoxide alarm as required under this chapter within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of the occupant's written notice or other evidence that it is not in proper working condition.
(b) In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, the owner of each dwelling unit shall, at a minimum, provide new batteries for battery-operated smoke alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide alarms at least annually and at the beginning of any new lease. It shall be the responsibility of the occupant to ensure that the batteries installed are not removed.
(Ord. No. 1528-15. Passed 5-9-16, eff. 5-10-16)