Every person desiring a supply of water from the mains in the metropolitan area must make application at the office of the Division of Water for a service pipe and connection with such mains; except that arrangements may be made for applicants outside of the City to make application for service connections at the office of their respective municipalities, provided an agreement to this effect has been entered into between the Division and such municipality.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
(a) Distribution mains shall be not less than eight (8) inches and no more than sixteen (16) inches in nominal diameter.
(b) The distribution water mains shall be laid out in a properly segmented grid system, so that the interruption of service to consumers is kept to a minimum in case of breaks or repairs.
(c) The Commissioner of Water shall determine the size of and materials used for all water mains with the following minimums as to sizes for new improvements or replacement of existing distribution water mains:
(1) Streets within residential areas, eight (8) inches size, provided such streets do not exceed one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet in length between intersecting streets improved with water mains;
(2) In county roads, crossings under freeways and railroads, crossing in bridges and in streets adjoining commercial or industrial developments, twelve (12) inches in size;
(3) In streets extending through several municipalities and designated as State or county streets, roads or highways, sixteen (16) inches in size.
(Ord. No. 1824-68. Passed 9-30-68, eff. 10-1-68)
(a) No water mains shall be laid or extended within the City or in any direct service suburb unless properly submitted plans have been approved by the Commissioner of Water as being in accordance with the Department of Public Utilities construction and material specifications.
(b) After installation no water main laid in the City or in any direct service suburb shall be placed into service carrying potable water unless the installation has been approved by the Commissioner as meeting the Department of Public Utilities Construction and Material Specifications, and samples of water taken from the new main installation have passed bacteriological testing as required by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(c) Authority to approve water mains in subsections (a) and (b) hereof and as outlined in service agreements with master meter suburbs shall be vested solely in the Commissioner.
(Ord. No. 1231-74. Passed 4-14-75, eff. 4-17-75)
Fire hydrants shall be placed on all new distribution water main improvements or replacements of existing distribution water mains and shall be of six (6) inch size having a six (6) inch nominal diameter of the main valve opening. Each hydrant shall be connected to the water main with a six (6) inch branch with gate valve installed on each hydrant branch approximately three (3) feet from the water main, and of the same size as hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be placed at street intersections wherever spacing will permit. Fire hydrants in residential streets are to be installed at the center of sublots and spaced on an average of three hundred (300) feet apart. In commercial and industrial areas, hydrants shall have an average spacing of two hundred fifty (250) feet apart, with a maximum distance of two hundred eighty (280) feet apart.
(Ord. No. 1824-68. Passed 9-30-68, eff. 10-1-68)
Yard fountains, when the service is not metered, shall not be used longer than three (3) hours per day during the summer season, unless especially permitted and on additional payment. The right is reserved to suspend their use whenever the public exigency may require it.