§ 535.38 Waste of Water
   No person shall permit water to run when not in actual use, and the owner or occupant of the premises must prevent all waste of water.
§ 535.39 Unmetered Service; Regulation of Sprinkling
   No person, when the service is not metered, shall sprinkle any lot, street or sidewalk, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., nor more than five (5) hours in any day.
§ 535.40 Unmetered Service; Yard Fountains
   Yard fountains, when the service is not metered, shall not be used longer than three (3) hours per day during the summer season, unless especially permitted and on additional payment. The right is reserved to suspend their use whenever the public exigency may require it.
§ 535.41 Property Seller to Supply Statement of Status of Water Bill
   No person, agent, firm or corporation shall sell by deed, land contract or otherwise any interest in any premises within the metropolitan area as defined in Section 535.01 (a) which is supplied with City water without furnishing the buyer prior to such sale, a statement from the Division of Water setting forth the current status of the water account of the premises, and when an escrow has been established, depositing in escrow prior to delivery of possession or transfer of title a statement from the buyer acknowledging the receipt of this document and accepting responsibility for all future water bills in accordance with these Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 963-72. Passed 9-18-72, eff. 9-20-72)
§ 535.42 Escrow Agent Not to Disburse Funds without Statement
   No person, firm or corporation acting in the capacity of an escrow agent in any real estate transaction involving the sale of any premises situated in the metropolitan area as defined in Section 535.01 (a) which is supplied with City water shall disburse any funds unless the provisions of Section 535.41 have been met.
(Ord. No. 963-72. Passed 9-18-72, eff. 9-20-72)