(a) In addition to other charges, if water is used from a public fire hydrant, upon special permit only, a charge for the permit and a hydrant rental must be paid in advance under Section 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances. A separate permit shall be issued for each hydrant which shall identify its location.
(b) Water may be furnished from a fire hydrant for any special purpose authorized by the Commissioner of the Division of Water. The charge for water so furnished shall be at the additional MCF rate under Section 535.04 for the service district in which the fire hydrant is located. The quantity of water used may be estimated by the Commissioner based on information provided by the user as to the user’s purpose and needs, or the Commissioner may require the installation of a meter at the connection to the hydrant to be used, in which event the user shall pay the cost of installing the meter and the cost of all water measured.
(Ord. No. 462-11. Passed 5-23-11, eff. 6-22-11)
All water for building or construction purposes, whether public or private, shall be paid for under Sections 535.04 and 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances. In the case of water to be used for building purposes, the Director of Building and Housing, before granting any permit to erect, repair, change or alter any building or structure, shall first require the owner of the building to pay in advance an amount as is justly chargeable for water to be used in erecting, repairing, changing or altering such building or structure, and on the refusal of the owner to pay the charges in advance, the Director shall refuse to grant the permit. Charges shall be based on estimates of the amount of masonry, walls, plastering and other work for which water is used in construction, computed according to the accepted rules of the Division of Water. If desired by the property owner or contractor, water for building or construction purposes may be taken through a meter, furnished and set at the expense of the owner or contractor, and paid for at the rate set forth in Sections 535.04 and 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances. However, the advance payment for water in any case shall be made, as previously stated, and if the supply of water is taken entirely through a meter, the charge shall be adjusted under the amount registered by the meter, and the excess of the advance payment, if any, shall be refunded on the completion of the work.
(Ord. No. 778-06. Passed 6-5-06, eff. 6-9-06)
(a) No person shall use any hydrant for construction or other purposes without first obtaining a permit for such use from the Commissioner of Water. Such permit shall be charged under Section 535.06 of the Codified Ordinances.
(b) All hydrants used for any construction purpose, such as sewers, buildings, paving, etc., must have reducing couplings attached to the nozzles of the hydrants, with an independent valve for regulating the supply.
(c) The main valve of the hydrant must be opened full at the beginning of work each day, and remain open until the stoppage of work at night. The water supply shall be regulated by the independent valve. The hydrant shall be operated only by a proper hydrant key, which shall be obtained from the Division of Water.
(d) Water must not be allowed to run except when used. No leaking hose, pipe or joints shall be permitted. All persons using hydrants shall immediately obey any instructions or orders that may be issued by the Commissioner of Water, or his or her authorized agents, to regulate the use of these hydrants.
(e) In case of failure to comply with the requirements of the Division, the water supply shall be stopped immediately, the hydrant permit revoked and no new permits for the use of any hydrant shall be issued until all damages or charges for the waste of water have been paid.
(f) If required by the Commissioner, a meter shall be applied to the connection made with the hydrant, at the expense of the party using the same and the party shall pay for all water by meter measure.
(Ord. No. 778-06. Passed 6-5-06, eff. 6-9-06)
Each direct service municipality shall pay an annual fee, in advance, for the use of water from fire hydrants located in the municipality, for a purpose other than the extinguishment of a fire. The annual fee per hydrant shall be calculated as of January 1 of each year by multiplying one-half (1/2) mcf (five hundred (500) cf) by the highest rate then authorized to be charged to a direct service customer located in the service district in which such hydrant is located.
A certified statement of the number of fire hydrants located in each service district in the municipality on January 1 of each year shall be submitted to the Commissioner of the Division of Water by an officer of each municipality on or before January 10 of each year. The total annual fee shall be paid by each direct service municipality on or before January 20 of each year.
(Ord. No. 2457-82. Passed 12-13-82, eff. 12-16-82)
The Commissioner of Water may make such abatement as seems to him or her right and proper in the case of excess consumption because of a leak or other event, where it does not appear that the owner or user could be reasonably expected to know of or prevent the leak or event and to have had a fair chance to repair the same. The final billed amount after reduction granted by the Commissioner shall not be less than the average consumption for the property prior to the leak or other event, unless otherwise determined by the Commissioner with the approval of the Director of Law.
The authority vested in the Commissioner to make abatement shall be without prejudice to and not in derogation of the power and authority of the Director of Law conferred by Section 125.03.
(Ord. No. 1158-14. Passed 6-6-16, eff. 6-7-16)
(a) All charges for water shall be made against the premises supplied or against the customer contracting for the service.
(b) Upon special request, made by a customer accompanied by a list of premises owned by him or her, bills for water rent of all such premises shall be sent or delivered to such customer.
(c) However, the amounts of water used by separate premises shall not be pooled or combined into one (1) charge, but separate charges shall be computed for separate premises.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)
If the meter fails to register correctly, the customer shall be charged for water at the average daily rate of consumption estimated by the Commissioner of Water, as based upon use under similar conditions when the meter is in good order. The Commissioner may establish reasonable limitations within which a meter shall be deemed to register correctly.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)