Water service may be terminated at any premises where any water or waste water bill remains unpaid after the date payment is due, subject to the following:
(a) The Division of Water shall send to the account holder a notice of termination of service at least fifteen (15) days prior to such termination;
(b) Where the Division of Water has reason to believe that the premises where service is to be terminated is occupied by residential tenants, the Division shall provide at least thirty (30) days' notice to any such tenants by mail or by posting a notice of termination on all accessible building entrances and, where possible, at the door of each dwelling unit. The notice shall inform the tenants of the remedies available to them under Section 535.14 of this chapter.
Except as provided in Section 535.14, water service at a premises terminated for nonpayment shall not be restored until all charges due and payable have been paid, whether or not there has been in the meantime a change of ownership or possession of the premises supplied.
(Ord. No. 565-13. Passed 5-13-13, eff. 5-16-13)
(a) Whenever any premises have their own water supply but in addition service connections extend from the mains in the street into such premises for use only in case of failure or insufficiency of their own supply, the same minimum semi-annual payments shall be made for such service connections as are established by Sections 535.04 and 535.05.
(b) Such payments shall be required whether the connection is on or off and shall cease to be required only when and if the connection with the City’s main has been cut and plugged.
(Ord. No. 99566. Passed 5-22-33)