BOCA Section 911.0 entitled “Snow Load” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 911.0 Snow Load.
(a) In addition to the dead load, and in addition to the wind load, roofs shall be designed for the loads per square foot of horizontal projection given in the following Table:
Slope of Roof
Roof Load per Square Foot of Horizontal Projection
Less than 4 vertical to 12 horizontal | 30 pounds |
4, or more, vertical to 12 horizontal, up to 12 vertical to 12 horizontal | 20 pounds |
Over 12 vertical to 12 horizontal | 0 pounds |
Ordinary roofs, either flat, or pitched shall be designed for the live loads specified in the Table above or the Snow Load specified in OBBC, whichever is greater.
BOCA Table 912.1 of Section 912.0 entitled “Wind Load” is hereby amended to reflect the following:
Except as provided in OBBC and this Building Code buildings and other structures shall be designed and constructed to withstand the horizontal pressure in each height zone in the following Table, allowing for wind from any direction; the height to be measured from the average level of the ground adjacent to the building or other structure.
Height Zone (Ft.) | Wind Pressure (Lbs. per Sq. Ft.) |
Less than 50* | 20 |
50 to 99 | 24 |
100 to 325 | 28 |
(a) The overturning moment due to wind load shall not exceed sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66- 2/3%) of the moment of stability of the building or other structure due to the dead load only, unless the building or other structure is anchored so as to resist the excess overturning moment without exceeding the allowable stresses for the materials used. The axis of rotation for computing the overturning moment and the moment of stability shall be taken as the intersection of the outside wall line on the leeward side and the plane representing the average elevation of the bottoms of the footings. The weight of earth superimposed over footings may be used in computing the moment of stability due to dead load.
(b) When the total resisting force due to friction is insufficient to prevent sliding, the building or other structure shall be anchored to withstand the excess sliding force without exceeding the allowable stresses for the materials used. Anchors provided to resist overturning moment may also be considered as providing resistance to sliding.
Provisions shall be made for wind stress during erection of the building or other structure. When the building or other structure is constructed with high walls or other structural parts dependent upon bracing from roofs or other parts not immediately superimposed or provided, such temporarily unbraced walls or parts of the structure shall be designed to be self-supporting against wind pressure or shall be provided with temporary bracing.
BOCA Section 915.0 entitled “Wind Loads on Signs, Tank Towers and Chimneys” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 915.0 Wind Loads on Signs, Tank Towers and Chimneys.
(a) Signs in which the projected area exposed to wind consists of seventy percent (70%) or more of the gross area as determined by the over-all dimensions shall be classed as solid signs; those in which the projected exposed area is derived from open letters, figures, strips, and structural framing members, the aggregate total area of which is less than seventy percent (70%) of the gross area determined by the over-all dimensions, shall be classed as open signs.
(b) Signs, other than ground signs fifty (50) feet or less in height, shall be designed and constructed to withstand the horizontal pressures given in the following table applied to the net projected exposed area of all parts of the signs including structural framing, allowing for wind from any direction:
Height from Ground to Top of Sign (Ft.)
Wind Pressure (Lbs. per Sq. Ft.) | |
Solid Signs (All Types) | Open Signs (All Types) |
Height from Ground to Top of Sign (Ft.)
Wind Pressure (Lbs. per Sq. Ft.) | |
Solid Signs (All Types) | Open Signs (All Types) | |
Less than 50 | 25 | 35 |
50 to 99 | 30 | 42 |
100 to 199 | 35 | 49 |
200 to 299 | 38 | 53 |
300 to 399 | 40 | 56 |
400 to 499 | 42 | 58 |
500 to 599 | 43 | 60 |
600 to 799 | 44 | 61 |
800 to 999 | 45 | 63 |
1000 to 1199 | 46 | 65 |
1200 to 1399 | 48 | 67 |
1400 to 1599 | 49 | 68 |
1600 and over | 50 | 70 |
(c) Solid Ground Signs. Solid ground signs less than fifty (50) feet in height shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than twenty (20) pounds per square foot.
(d) Open Ground Signs. Open ground signs less than fifty (50) feet in height shall be designed and constructed to withstand a wind pressure of not less than thirty (30) pounds per square foot.