Whenever lumber is used structurally in trusses or is assembled with timber connectors, or bolts, or as glued laminated structural members; or whenever the design or assembly is of unusual complexity or requires unusual care in erection, the Commissioner may require that the work be supervised by a competent representative of the owner, satisfactory to the Commissioner.
Glued laminated structural members and other glued wood structural members or panels which rely for strength upon the efficacy of glued joints and the proper selection and assembly shall be fabricated only by fabricators approved by the Ohio Board of Building Standards or the Cleveland Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals.
(a) All lumber used to support loads or withstand forces shall be sound and free from rot, decay, shakes, and other defects which affect its durability or impair its strength for the purpose for which it is intended.
(b) All lumber four (4) inches or less in nominal thickness used to support loads or withstand forces in permanent structures shall have been air dried or kiln dried to a moisture content approximately equal to that to which it will eventually come in service.
(c) All lumber used in trussed, or in glued laminated members of laminations two (2) inches or more in nominal thickness, or for other major structural members where deemed necessary for structural safety by the Commissioner shall be stress grade lumber.
(d) Where “heartwood of a durable species” is specified by OBBC and this Building Code, it shall be interpreted to mean the heartwood of tidewater red cypress, cedar, or redwood or other approved decay resistant wood.
(a) When used as columns, wood posts in basements or cellars shall bear on concrete, masonry, or other suitable approved bases extending not less than three (3) inches above the finished floor.
(b) Exterior wood posts in permanent construction which do not have an approved preservative treatment or are not the heartwood of a durable species shall be supported at least six (6) inches above ground level on concrete, masonry, or other suitable approved bases or piers.
(c) Wood posts or columns shall not be used in crawl spaces or air spaces which are not paved with solid impervious material.
(d) Wood posts and columns shall be securely anchored top and bottom.
(e) Untreated wood columns or posts in basements or cellars built into masonry walls or partitions shall be exposed on at least two (2) sides.
(f) Column or post ends liable to be wet or damp shall be protected with a suitable preservative.