“Lavatory” means a hand washing basin which is properly connected with both hot and cold water lines and which is separate and distinct from a kitchen sink, as required.
(Ord. No. 68-A-67. Passed 4-3-67, eff. 4-5-67)
§ 363.27 Nondwelling Structure
“Nondwelling structure” means any structure except a dwelling used or intended to be used for the shelter or enclosure of any person, animal or property of any kind.
(Ord. No. 68-A-67. Passed 4-3-67, eff. 4-5-67)
§ 363.28 Yard
“Yard” means all ground, lawn, court, walk, driveway or other open space constituting part of the same premises of a dwelling, building or structure.
(Ord. No. 68-A-67. Passed 4-3-67, eff. 4-5-67)
§ 363.29 Condemned
“Condemned” means a structure or part thereof that has been determined by the Commissioner of Housing as unfit for human habitation.