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Cleveland Overview
Cleveland, OH Code of Ordinances
363.001   Definitions Generally
363.01   Approved
363.02   Commissioner of Housing
363.03   Communal Kitchen
363.04   Dwelling Building or Structure
363.05   Dwelling Unit
363.06   Family
363.07   Habitable Room
363.08   Hotel
363.09   Multiple Dwelling
363.10   Occupant
363.11   Operator
363.12   Owner
363.13   Premises
363.14   Rooming Occupancy
363.15   Secondary or Appurtenant Structure
363.16   Supplied
363.17   Row House
363.18   Basement
363.19   Cellar
363.20   Garbage
363.21   Rubbish
363.22   Infestation
363.23   Plumbing
363.24   Kitchen
363.25   Kitchen Sink
363.26   Lavatory
363.27   Nondwelling Structure
363.28   Yard
363.29   Condemned
   Zoning Code definitions, CO Ch. 325
§ 363.001 Definitions Generally
   As used in this Housing Code, certain words and terms are defined as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. No. 2409-59. Passed 4-4-60, eff. 4-6-60)
§ 363.01 Approved
   “Approved” means approved by the Commissioner of Housing as authorized in this Code, or by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals, or approved by any other authority designated by these Codified Ordinances to give approval to the matter in question.
(Ord. No. 2409-59. Passed 4-4-60, eff. 4-6-60)
§ 363.02 Commissioner of Housing
   “Commissioner of Housing” shall be construed as though followed by the words “or his or her authorized agent or representative.”
(Ord. No. 2409-59. Passed 4-4-60, eff. 4-6-60)
§ 363.03 Communal Kitchen
   “Communal kitchen” means a kitchen within a dwelling building used by the occupants of more than one (1) dwelling unit or shared by any persons residing in a rooming occupancy.
(Ord. No. 2409-59. Passed 4-4-60, eff. 4-6-60)
§ 363.04 Dwelling Building or Structure
   “Dwelling building or structure” means a building or structure used or designed or intended to be used, all or in part, for residential purposes.
(Ord. No. 2409-59. Passed 4-4-60, eff. 4-6-60)
§ 363.05 Dwelling Unit
   “Dwelling unit” means a room or group of rooms located within a dwelling structure and forming a single habitable unit with living, sleeping, cooking, eating and sanitary facilities used or intended to be used by one (1) family.
(Ord. No. 2409-59. Passed 4-4-60, eff. 4-6-60)