12.04.010   Designation of city parks and playgrounds.
   For purposes of this code, the following city properties are designated as the city's parks and playgrounds:
   A.   Bidwell Park;
   B.   Children's Playground;
   C.   Depot Park;
   D.   Plaza Park;
   E.   Ringel Park;
   F.   Bidwell Bowl Amphitheater
   G.   All greenways or parklands adjoining Big Chico Creek, Little Chico Creek, Lindo Channel, Comanche Creek, Edgar Slough, Sycamore Creek, Dead Horse Slough Teichert Ponds, or any other stream or watercourse which has been acquired or which is hereafter acquired by the city, either in fee title or by way of an easement which authorizes public use of the easement area; and
   H.   Any other property acquired by the city or dedicated to and accepted by the city subsequent to January 1, 1992, specifically for park or playground purposes.
(Prior code § 17.1 (Ord. 224 §230, Ord. 1903) Ord. 2444